
Skiing, Water Parks, Dating and Politics (Three Ways To Engage Your Online Community)

You might ask what does Skiing, Water Parks, Dating and Politics have in common. The answer… Social Media! I would like to begin by providing a shout out to a company that gets it! Vermont’s Jay Peak Resort was named to the Top 10 North American Ski Resorts Utilizing Social Media. Here’s a great exampleRead… Read more »

Late Bloomers and The Evolution of “Social”

“…[W]e live in a society with peculiar expectations about the time course of success. We think that if a child isn’t blossoming as fast as the others in grade school, he or she will be hard pressed to eventually flourish.” Scott Barry Kaufman, Ph.D Candidate, Yale, Psychology Today, November 2008 The Social Evolution is inRead… Read more »

Social Media: Taking Stock in Your Government

Much of the hand-wringing in government social media practice – or more so, the decision-making behind whether to have a government social media practice – centers on return on investment, or even “return on engagement.” Does it work, and how do we measure whether it works? From measuring retweets, to numbers of fans, unique blogRead… Read more »

Inbound Marketing – Good Book!

Inbound Marketing – Get found using Google, Social Media, and Blogs by Brian Halligan and Dharmesh Shah is a fast, two hour read with a lot of good points. We differ about building websites, blogs, LinkedIn, and generating followers, but our differences are not antagonistic, more matter of emphasis, like the blind men describing theRead… Read more »

Weekly Research and Best Practices

Research 1. Digital Economy Rankings 2010 (06/2010) Economist’s annual benchmarking study of the digital development of seventy countries. Study finds evidence that the digital divide is narrowing and that in some cases; developing countries are adopting innovative technologies faster than developed countries. 2. Australian Government’s Draft Social Media Handbook (July 2010) – This “unofficial”Read… Read more »

HR=Humans Represent: Pet Peeves that get Recruiters Ranting

The job market is tough these days, and for those individuals who find themselves in the unemployment line, you are probably looking to make yourself stand out from the crowd. I’m sure most recruiters agree that there is certain things job candidates do which indeed set them apart, but for the wrong reasons. A fewRead… Read more »

Citizen networks – what can we learn from the science of epigenetics?

Not all that long ago, the scientific community was justifiably ecstatic about having achieved mapping of the human genome – The Human Genome project. The promise was that by understanding genetic mapping we could find cures for disease, disability, and perhaps enhance longevity. But an interesting development has occurred. Scientists are now learning thatRead… Read more »

Announcing Web Manager University 2010-2011 Course Schedule

I am excited today to announce the 2010-2011 Web Manager University Course Schedule. We are kicking off this year in the spirit of customer service by hosting Doug Lipp, Formerly the Head of training at Disney’s Corporate Headquarters, to give a FREE webinar – The Magic of Exceptional Customer Service on Thursday, September 9, 2010.Read… Read more »