
Out of Egypt: “Reflections on Blogging and Beyond”

From the Egyptian Government Blog (used auto-translate from the page, plus some of my own tidying). What do you think? Open government and government 2.0 issues are the same, wherever we live, eh? I bolded my favorite lines… **************************************************************************************** Dear Co-Reader, Like every new experience, blogging has been a different event for me. Although IRead… Read more »

CB2: Getting Emergency Notification Right

Mobile emergency notifications can save lives by getting important messages out to (or soliciting them from) the public quickly. Whether it’s a phone call delivering a tornado warning minutes before touchdown or a text message alerting students of a shooter on campus, there’s no doubt that it’s an invaluable service when done right. But whatRead… Read more »

Keys to Strengthening Buy-in, Trust and Team Coordination in a Generationally-Culturally Diverse (Military) Workforce — Part II

Part I of this two-part series has delineated five of the “Top Ten Tools and Strategies for Strengthening Buy-in, Trust and Team Coordination among a Generationally-Culturally Diverse (Military) Workforce,” including building communication bridges and fostering a team/systems concept that has application for both military and non-military work settings. The first five “Tools and Strategies” are:1.Read… Read more »

What Can the Government Learn From a $100,000 Salt & Pepper Shaker?

This post originally appeared on my external blog, “Social Media Strategery.” I finally got around to reading “The Last Lecture” by Randy Pausch. If you’re not familiar with Randy’s story, read about it here or watch the video below. I highly recommend this if you’re about to have a child, already a parent, if you’reRead… Read more »

The Gov 2.0 Condundrum

Without a doubt, there’s a lot to be gained when government leverages Web 2.0 tools to provide better communications and service. But for every success story there seems to be an equal number of roadblocks preventing public servants from venturing into Gov 2.0. Last week there was a Congressional hearing before the Information Policy, CensusRead… Read more »