
How to work with the traditional media using the tools of social media?

Next month I will start my new diplomatic appointment – media advisor and spokesperson of the Israeli embassy to France. It’s the second time I will work as a spokesperson for the embassy. 10 years ago I did the same job in Moscow. Looks like the same job? Of course, Moscow is not Paris, RussiaRead… Read more »

HR=Humans Represent: So What Exactly Is The Recession Good For?

Can it really be? A benefit coming out of the recession? It seems so, as the recession some claim is accelerating a change (at least in the corporate world) toward more flexible work schedules. Currently, one of five Americans works non-typical work hours (nights, weekends, rotating shifts, etc). With the recession still in force, expertsRead… Read more »

Florida Tweets

Last week I had my first experience with using Twitter for a technical support issue. Who would think you could get instant customer service from a little tool called Twitter. I was very impressed with how fast and willing the computer company was to help me with my issue. Quite frequently I still hear “IRead… Read more »

I had my own Wimbledon Moment (or… “Life Lessons from Tennis”)

I had my own Wimbledon moment this week. Played tennis with a friend to a 5-5 tie Tuesday morning. Then like Mahut I finished that set this morning and lost 8-6 and then lost the 2nd set 6-2. Life lessons from tennis… I play better if I’m not thinking ahead to the next point orRead… Read more »

Gov 2.0 Roundup July 2 Edition

I’m posting this a day early, in advance of the July 4th holiday weekend… The White House lifts the ban on cookies, the nation’s smallest state makes a big impact on its website thanks to a five-second quiz, compiles a list of government apps, and Gov 2.0 experts give tips on avoiding social mediaRead… Read more »

How to Plan for Collective Brainstorming Online – New Guide Released

Collaborative brainstorming online is all the rage these days. It’s a powerful tool for government to involve the public by inviting people to offer ideas and start discussions that will inform government decisions. But, as with so many other innovations in government, engaging the public in a meaningful way takes more than just “putting upRead… Read more »

Hawk Method of Management

Let’s face it. You cannot truly measure employee output, once you are managing people who are not producing or processing widgets per hour – people we call, erroneously, “knowledge workers.” People who are useful and productive because of the relationships they maintain, the external sources they consult to solve problems, and the imagination they bringRead… Read more »