
Member of the Week: Dannielle Blumenthal

Have you met Dannielle Blumenthal? Chances are you’ve bumped into her on GovLoop – she’s created several groups and has as of late become a prolific blogger. Her short answers below really don’t do justice to her contributions to GovLoop and government communications, so I hope that this brief profile prompts you to join herRead… Read more »

Budgeting Out in the Open

In today’s society, most people have a computer and an Internet connection. The Internet is enabling people to communicate in new fantastic ways. Instead of phone calls or attending public forums, people are having video chats in real-time from thousands of miles away and blogging their thoughts on their favorite topics. Everyday computers are usedRead… Read more »

Combined Federal Campaign of the National Capital Area and Overseas Recognized by the U.S. Office of Personnel Management

Global Impact, whose mission is to assure help for the world’s most vulnerable people, announced today that the 2009 Combined Federal Campaign of the National Capital Area (CFCNCA) and Combined Federal Campaign-Overseas (CFC-O) each received the National CFC Innovator Award from the Office of Personnel Management (OPM). The Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) is the onlyRead… Read more »

Bridging and Understanding the Technology Gap

Over the last two years, it has been acknowledged that we have a technology gap between the generations of workers in the government space. We have skilled and experienced professionals who have been trained not to be on the internet or any type of social media, and those who are very skilled and adept atRead… Read more »

HR=Humans Represent: What You Do On Friday May Get You Hired

It’s true, don’t kid yourself. For those who find themselves lost in the sea of unemployment, trying to find work is hard work! The job search is more than just classified ads these days (have you noticed how much the employment opportunities in Sunday’s paper has shrunk so much as to be almost non-existent?) IfRead… Read more »

2010 Australian Federal Election

OK. It’s an election year in Australia this year. If everyone’s vision of Gov 2.0 were a reality right now, how would Australia’s election be conducted? What would the relationship between citizens, government and political parties look like? What advice would you give to our Prime Minister, Julia Gillard or opposition leader Tony Abbott onRead… Read more »

Great Commercial,! Why Can’t I Find It On YouTube?

If you’ve been watching CNN recently, you’ve probably seen the commercial – you know, the one where there are two guys getting rained on under floating rooves. One is “having a problem.” The other: dry and secure. I wanted to see it again, so I quickly went to YouTube to see if I couldRead… Read more »