
The Myth of Qualified Leads

Years ago, I was an officer in a national, direct sales driven, marketing consulting company. I made an emergency trip to our St. Louis office after the local management walked out. The sales corps had taught themselves they needed fresh leads. I didn’t have any. I did have a four inch folder of previously usedRead… Read more »

DCWEEK Fires Up Govvies

What do fire dancers have to do with technology? Attendees at the opening night party of DC Week had a chance to find out. Digital Capital Week (DCWEEK) is a 10 day festival in Washington, DC focused on technology, innovation and all things digital in our nation’s capital. DCWEEK takes place in venues throughout WashingtonRead… Read more »

Weekly Newsletter on Research and Best Practices

Resources 1. Modernizing Government: Overview and Next Steps (03/24/2010) – Results of a White House Forum to identify best practices in using technology to streamline federal operations, improve customer service, and maximize returns on technology investments. 2. – UK portal for people who work in public, private and non-profit sectors, advice, case studies andRead… Read more »

DC Week: Data BBQ

Yesterday I attended the Data BBQ. The mix of people there was great, govies, privates and nonprofs. It was held at Insomniac Designs, really gorgeous office space with a fabulous roof top. Here are some photos/videos from the BBQ. More videos to come throughout the week! As you entered, everyone was asked to write theirRead… Read more »

Top 5: Risks for Using Social Media in the Organization

The paper and the article are talking primarily to the private sector but suspect there is a significant amount of relevance to the public sector as well 1. Introduction of viruses and malware to the organizational network 2. Exposure to customers and the enterprise through a fraudulent or hijacked corporate presence 3.Unclear or undefined contentRead… Read more »

Why Twitter’s Gov’t Outreach is a Big Win for the Gov 2.0 Movement

For at least that past two years, a tiny yet fast-growing group of folks who call themselves “Gov 2.0 advocates” has worked tirelessly to spread a message that emerging technologies, low-cost communications and digital culture can reshape government to be more collaborative, transparent, efficient and connected to its citizens. We have advocated for humanizing government,Read… Read more »

Remember the Alamo! 7 Lessons for Winning the Gov 2.0 Revolution

I just finished delivering a luncheon keynote for the Texas Association of Municipal Information Officers (TAMIO) 2010 Conference under the title “Remember the Alamo: Winning the Fight for Social Media.” Since the Alamo’s just a few miles down the road from Austin – and because we find ourselves in the midst of a revolution ofRead… Read more »