
Hashtags make or break an event (on Twitter, that is)

(Original post at It should simply be another step in the event management process to select and promote an appropriate Twitter hashtag for any contemporary event. I attended the 2010 Women’s Summit in Reno, Nevada, on June 1. Attendees were very excited for keynote speaker Michelle Obama and several expert panels, and were tweetingRead… Read more »

“The Daily Influence” – Customizable RSS Aggregator

Ogilvy Worldwide and Netvibes developed this tool in January, although I discovered it today. Selection of RSS feeds evidently is customizable if one sets up an account on Netvibes. This could be the best English-language aggregation of Word of Mouth marketing sources. I think studying these sources can help us motivate employees to engage inRead… Read more »

Why YOU should start blogging!

I know alot of the people that read this blog already have a blog, but for those who don’t have a blog.. I’d like to tell you why you should start blogging. First of all, take a look at some of these questions… Do you feel like you’re in a rut? Do you feel thatRead… Read more »

Increasing transparency through local government web development blogs

This is a cross-posting from Camden Council’s website redesign project blog – which I also write for. You can also follow my research on my Facebook page. Ever since we launched our web development blog, there has been an increased interest in local government web development blogs. Looking at some of the response below (tweetsRead… Read more »

What Makes Technology Addictive

From Mike Elgan’s blog …. Instant gratification. When any product gives us what we’re looking for instantly, we tend to crave it more than things we have to wait for. Fast food is more addictive than slow food, for example. Instant gratification puts the “crack” in “Crackberry.” You see the addicts in on airplanes. TheRead… Read more »

Government-to-Citizen Communications: Utilising multiple digital and social media channels effectively

Liz effectively articulates how local government can use integrated, multi-channel communications to increase access to information and services, improve opportunities for engagement, and offer members of the community a choice in how they get their information. Stephen Cross from Hillingdon Council If you wish to follow more of Liz’s tips and research in the future,Read… Read more »

Digital Strategy: How Camden Council (UK) will be engaging with Camden’s local community through hyperlocal websites

This is a cross-posting from Camden Council’s (UK) blog, where I also blog. If you wish to receive updates on my research into government communication online, please join LGEO Research Facebook Page. Link to original post Camden exploring and learning from online neighbourhoods Recently, Camden’s webteam has been talking to Will Perrin, Founder of ‘TalkRead… Read more »