
What is Privacy? 5 Common Sense Tips While Social Networking….

What exactly is considered private when it comes to social media and social networking? Since becoming involved in social media about a year and a half ago I have been a little astonished at what people share about themselves. MySpace has been the social networking website where both men and woman pushed the limits onRead… Read more »

Online Video Asset Management Whitepaper

“Don’t Let Video Assets Become a Liability” Your web audience prefers video as an information resource. Your public affairs and training departments want to post more and more videos, while making sure that viewers can easily navigate to their subject matter preference. You need to manage a seemingly unmanageable library of video assets that isRead… Read more »

The Kentucky State Police Are Finding Success Using Social Media

I love to read a news article on the web that highlights a law enforcement agency that is using social media and being successful at it. Some may say social media success for law enforcement has to be measured by arrests, crimes prevented or some numerical value. However, successful use of social media for lawRead… Read more »

‘To Have and To Hold, Til Twitter Us Do Part.’ Join us on #localgovchat tonight 6/2 at 9 EST.

How do you manage your relationship with social media AND the real people in your life? I was looking at old pics, like the one above from my wedding in 2003, and was started wondering: How many Twitpics would I have sent from the limo. Would I have updated my Facebook relationship status to “married”Read… Read more »

How Law Enforcement Can Better Control Their Message Using Social Media!

Law enforcement has basically been at the mercy of the news media. Whether issuing press releases, responding to a high profile case, or requesting help from citizens in a missing person case the police were (are) at the behest of the media to communicate there message. Social media offers alternative options for law enforcement agenciesRead… Read more »

Video Available for U.S. House of Representatives Event

Video is now available for the Event at the U.S. House of Representatives held 25 May 2010 at the Longworth House Office Building in Washington, DC, USA. Click here for the conference program. Click here for archived Twitter tweets from the workshop (scroll down to tweets from May 25, 2010). Click here for informationRead… Read more »

Top 10 Privacy News Stories

Dr. GovLoop just got his latest installment of “Privacy News Highlights” and wanted to share the best of the bunch with you. Here are the top 10 links – the stuff that I thought would most interest you. US � Senate Unanimously Passes Faster FOIA Act of 2010 The Senate unanimously passed the Faster FOIARead… Read more »