
How Do I Prioritize My Job Search?

Boy, this job market is an interesting one. I have every faith that the widely publicized economic recovery will happen, but I’m not completely convinced that it is happening just yet. From a job-searcher perspective small evidences exist, such as a growing number of jobs to apply to. However, an astounding number of these jobsRead… Read more »

Organization Re-Alignment: Is Your Organization Remaining Competitive?

Interview by Tony Deblauwe Organization Re-Alignment: A Chat with Scott Span of Tolero Solutions Organizational Development & Change Consulting An increasing amount of attention is being placed on how organizations perform business and deliver results. Though there are still plenty of uncertainties, as organizations transition from pure survival mode to competitive growth, many haveRead… Read more »

Rant on Productivity

I will spare you the pleasantries, and cut directly to the chase: social media behind the firewall does not present any new management challenges in the public sector. If you were a strong manager before the age of social media, you are a strong manager in the era of social media. Conversely, if you wereRead… Read more »

MOC – WH Cybersecurity Chief speaks

So I’m in Philly this week at Management of Change Conference. I’ve been tweeting away #moc10 but also took some notes. Here’s my notes from the speech by Chris Painter, Senior Director for Cybersecurity Change in threat landscape -Criminals in early 90s were mostly individuals for their gratifications -Now – Transnational criminal groups – goalRead… Read more »