
Procurement 2.0 at Gov 2.0 Expo: Lessons from the Better Buy Project

Sitting in on the Procurement 2.0 session at the Expo, discussing the evolution of the Better Buy Project. The session is being masterfully moderated by Chris Dorobek. Chris Hamm, GSA: – Used IdeaVoice – Top Idea: “Put an end to dump of ‘end of year’ procurements” – Another idea: Work out requirements on a wikiRead… Read more »

Gov 2 Expo – Citizen Engagement Rocking Out

Dan Munz of GSA and Peter Levin VA CTO talking about citizen engagement… Some key take aways-Citizen engagement is about making GOVERNMENT WORK BETTER…Not about cool tech, cool ideas.-GSA has lots of upcoming items including challenge platform, citizen engagement platform, and Fedspace coming up. VA is serious about engagement-300,000 employees in VA, 50,000 in VBA-VeteransRead… Read more »

Response to: Who pays the legal fees? The federal employee or the federal government?

Who pays the legal fees? The federal employee or the federal government? We are able to provide information specific to your position if you are interested. For administrative/disciplinary matters: the FEDS PLI policy pays for legal defense up to $200,000 for any disciplinary or judicial sanction proceeding or administrative investigations into alleged misconduct from anyRead… Read more »

Make a difference this week! Maximize collaboration to the N-th Degree!!!

As some of you may know from my time on GovLoop and long standing particpation. I look and write about solutions and collaboration on a fairly regular basis. I just came back from Walter Reed and Ft. Belvoir yesterday and today working in collaboration with the Wounded Warrior Transition Units (WTUs). We are, with others,Read… Read more »

Government 2.0 is a Feasible & Irreversible Process [Of Stephen Hawkings & Physics]

The Book ‘Theory of Everything’ by Stephen W. Hawking is one book with rich deposits of scientific fundamentals which can reign in on one’s thought-train forever. The emeritus scientist Hawking delves in to direction of time, expansion of universe at a critical rate, ever increasing disorderliness of things and even absolute truths like remembrance ofRead… Read more »

Collaborative solutions are slow in coming to Spain, help is on the way

While countries like the United States, Canada, Australia, the UK, and others are making good strides around the use of social media and other collaborative solutions and strategies, countries like Spain are just getting started. I learned of an interesting effort underway in Madrid, an effort to make Madrid a Smarter City, and I hadRead… Read more »

GovLoop Intern Blog: The First Day!

Hello, Attia Nasar here. The new intern @ GovLoop. I am currently a graduate student in the Public Diplomacy program at Syracuse University, which is a dual degree program in Public Relations and International Relations. I just moved to Washington D.C. last week to intern with GovLoop. I love engaging in dialogue (online) and tryingRead… Read more »

TSA CIO on The Need for Collaboration

I was at Management of Change conference in Philly this morning and saw the Chief Information Officer for TSA speak – Dr. Emma Garrison – Alexander Here are my notes Building 30 year collaboration… -Some people hear collaboration and only think of 2009 and on Collaboration defined – a true partnership in which both organizationsRead… Read more »