
Why are local govs keeping social media in a silo? Join us tonight 5/12 for #localgovchat at 9 EST

You hear over and over again that social media is supposed to help break down silos, yet after reviewing hundreds of localgov fliers, web pages and other communication materials, social media was surprisingly absent or treated as a “special feature” in the corner. “Hey look, we did it.” Why are local govs not touting theirRead… Read more »

Why are local govs keeping social media in a silo? Join us tonight 5/12 for #localgovchat at 9 EST

You hear over and over again that social media is supposed to help break down silos, yet after reviewing hundreds of localgov fliers, web pages and other communication materials, social media was surprisingly absent or treated as a “special feature” in the corner. “Hey look, we did it.” Why are local govs not touting theirRead… Read more »

Why are local govs keeping social media in a silo? Join us tonight 5/12 for #localgovchat at 9 EST

You hear over and over again that social media is supposed to help break down silos, yet after reviewing hundreds of localgov fliers, web pages and other communication materials, social media was surprisingly absent or treated as a “special feature” in the corner. “Hey look, we did it.” Why are local govs not touting theirRead… Read more »

Three Sales Models

We use “models” to simplify, understand, and use situations which are too complex to directly understand and engage successfully. Models allow useful focus. The biggest problem with a model is when we forget it is just a model and think it is the reality. A model often stops working and needs to be adjusted. RealityRead… Read more »

Social Media, Social Networking, New Media Will Change Law Enforcement!

There seems to be a reluctance of law enforcement in a general sense to become involved in social media. Whether it is lack of education, funds, or knowledge law enforcement is fast being left behind by criminals who are adapting to social media. An example, Flash Mobs became a problem in Philadelphia this past MarchRead… Read more »

May 12, Berkeley/SOMA Workshop Workshop

The Berkeley/SOMA Workshop will be held 12 May 2010 at The Mitchell Kapor Foundation in San Francisco, California, USA. Click here for the conference program. The Twitter hashtag for the conference is #lawgov. Click here for information about the legal open government data project.

Top 5: Set-Ups for Success Using Social Media for HR

A couple weeks ago, I spoke at the Western Region IPMA-HR Annual Conference in San Diego. The conference theme was “Navigating New Horizons,” so I tried to have some fun with the nautical metaphor, as demonstrated by these slides. NOTE: If you’ve seen my slides before, this is all new material! View more presentations fromRead… Read more »

New Tool for Visualizing Congressional Bills: IBM Many Bills / DocBlocks

Yannick Assogba, Irene Ros, and Matt McKeon, all of the IBM Research Visual Communication Lab, presented DocBlocks: Communication-Minded Visualization of Topics in U.S. Congressional Bills, at CHI 2010: The 28th ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, held 10-15 April 2010 in Atlanta, Georgia, USA. Here is the abstract: US Federal legislation is aRead… Read more »