
Weekly newsletter on research and best practices that will help us create a more open government

Research ReportsNew PEW Report – Fate of the Semantic Web (5/4/2010) Pew Internet & American Life Project and Elon University’s Imagining the Internet Center pulled together 895 experts to predict the likelihood that Berners-Lee and his allies will realize their vision of Web 3.0 by 2020. Understanding participation: A literature review – (01/13/2010) Summary ofRead… Read more »

Pillars of Gov 2.0: Social Media and Standards

I’ve been watching with interest as social media blogger extraordinaire Chris Brogan adapts his person brand from “social media guy,” to “human business guy.” Chris has been writing about effective news media strategy since long before it was a cottage industry, and many of his tips and probing questions center around the human component ofRead… Read more »

Notes from the NJ Statehouse

So I spoke at the New Jersey statehouse on GovLoop last week. Here are some notes from the other sessions: -Watched video of Socialnomics -Listening first, selling second -Iran presidential elections -State Department sent social media experts to Russia for diplomatic piece -Mexico- use Twitter to talk about locations where violence has occurred -PR andRead… Read more »

Local Government “Lead Organisation” For Gov2.0

I was originally going to write a post responding to the Federal Governments response to the Gov2au Taskforce final report and how it relates to Local Government. However I think one of the recommendations deserves its own post. 2.1 A lead agency should be established within the Commonwealth public service with overall responsibility for advancingRead… Read more »

Application development in the Internet age

The point of this post: Just as the web changed our model of content publishing, so it will change our model of application development. Government IT shops need to evolve to keep up. Publishing and the Web Once upon a time, a writer would write a book (and re-write it and re-write it). Then aRead… Read more »

Interesting Article from HBR – On Twitter, Followers Don’t Equal Influence

On Twitter, Followers Don’t Equal Influence 9:30 AM Friday May 7, 2010 by Scott Berinato | Comments (5) It could be that Twitter research is popular because Twitter data is free and so accessible. That’s okay. Gift horses are just as good for riding. The best, latest entry in Twitter research is the handiwork ofRead… Read more »

City of Huntsville, TX Takes Local Government Mobile

Today, the City of Huntsville, Texas ( and eGov Strategies (website) announced the availability of the city’s comprehensive iPhone app to better connect residents and businesses with city government. It’s a uniquely innovative approach for a local government app that offers a wide range of city website content and services – uniquely designed for iPhoneRead… Read more »