
The questions companies have when adding social to customer service

At the closing session of the Parafest conference that I attended, and at which I spoke about Social Media and Collaborative solutions, the product management of Parature shared this slide. The slide represents the results of polling customer, throughout the conference, about their concerns, their questions, about adding social channels to their customer service efforts.Read… Read more »

OGI Conference – Internal Customer Engagement

As many of you know, I was asked by the folks at GovLoop and 1105 to moderate a session at the OGI conference earlier this week. I hope that you guys appreciate it if I share the results of that session with the rest of the GovLoop community who wasn’t able to make it toRead… Read more »

Military Spouse Appreciation Day

ClearedJobs.Net has been a long-time presenter of Transition Assistance Program (TAP) classes around the Washington DC area. Today, ClearedJobs.Net will be presenting at a TAP class being held at Fort Meade, Maryland. In the spirit of Military Spouse Appreciation Day, an annual recognition taking place the Friday before Mother’s Day, today’s TAP attendees are beingRead… Read more »

What Is Needed to Build a Transparent, High-Performance Government

The traditional bureaucratic leadership style, typical in governmental organizations, limits employee flexibility in the workplace. Elected and appointed officials, whose leadership styles depend heavily on bureaucratic and directive approaches, inhibit innovation and employee clarity about the expectations set for them. Senior government officials who engage in a broad repertoire of leadership styles, on the otherRead… Read more »

Web 2.0 and IT

VERY INTERESTING COMMENTARY From the Gartner Blogs Legacy systems are not socially adaptiveMay 5th, 2010 · Author: Mark McDonald Business executives, technologists, academics and journalists marvel at the emerging power of social technologies aka Web 2.0. They see developments in social media as transformational, ushering in a new type of computing – social computing. TheRead… Read more »

“Flash Mob” Insights on Open Government

This morning I attended a great session at the Open Government and Innovations Conference in Washington, DC, led my Amanda Eamich and Karen Malkin, both of the USDA. They broke out session participants into three groups based on the Open Gov pillars – collaboration, participation and transparency. As we split up, it felt a bitRead… Read more »

Hospital ship USNS Mercy deploys, represents humanity at its best

Originally posted on at Deployments of the United States Naval Hospital Ship USNS Comfort have become one of my favorite topics to cover here. In reverse chronological order over the last year: Haitian Mother and Child Reunited Aboard USS Nassau; Christopher Albon on “Designing The Next Hospital Ship and Lessons From Haiti”; USNSRead… Read more »

Response to Why Twitter?

In his latest VLog (, @cheeky_geeky (Mark Drapeau) asks those of us who work with government why we would use what he calls an unreliable service (Twitter and Facebook) on official government websites providing these services with a de facto endorsement. I think Mark clearly knows the answer. I think the fact that he isRead… Read more »