
Access Restored

Hot dog! At some point a few months ago, I lost the ability to view GovLoop and other Ning-based sites from my office computer. I assumed that this was because my agency had yet to move away from IE 6.0 and grumbled accordingly. But this morning, I clicked a link in Twitter and found myselfRead… Read more »

Member of the Week – John Nelson

I spoke with John Nelson, the Privacy Officer for the Food Safety and Inspections Service at the Department of Agriculture. His efforts are at the forefront of personal privacy development and safeguarding. He aptly describes how privacy issues have far reaching affects, and why protection of personal privacy interests requires a proactive approach. The talkRead… Read more »

Are We Too Invested in Social Media?

Flipping through the usual bookmarks I found a video (ok it wasn’t hard to find it was on the govfresh homepage) that raised a question that I’ve definitely thrown around in my head a few times before in different ways. What happens when one of the massive social media outlets turns into something we don’tRead… Read more »

Taking stock of your social media influence

Measuring influence within or across social networks and other collaborative platforms is a major focal point for many companies and individuals. I have had good conversations, and more to come, with people like Michael Wu, Chief Scientist at Lithium, and I am excited by his approach. I have also checked out tools like Twitter GraderRead… Read more »

GL Insight – What’s the Social Media ROI?

What’s the Social Media ROI? That’s a question that all social media practitioners get every day and it is important to build the case for selling social media projects internally. GovLoop has teamed up with Booz Allen Hamilton to conduct an investigation into the usage of social media by our government at the federal, state,Read… Read more »

Weekly newsletter on research and best practices that will help us create a more open government

Research Reports 1. Government Online (04/27/2010) – New report from Pew Internet and American Life Project explores how Americans use government websites and online resources: did you know one third of online adults use social media to get government information? 2. Collaboration and Emerging Technologies in Government (04/26/2010) Newsletter from GSA’s Office of CitizenRead… Read more »

It’s a culture sort of thing

March 2010 Martin Stewart-Weeks gave a presentation to the New Media Group, Victorian Government entitled Getting Under the Skin of Government 2.0 – Issues, Insights and Implications Martin’s presentation, similar to the Australia’s Gov 2.0 Taskforce Report and the reports on innovation in the Australian Public Service and the work of the Reform Group highlightedRead… Read more »