
USAF social media Incident Response chart

I spent Thursday and Friday at Free State Social, a social media conference sponsored by the World Company in Lawrence, Kansas. I was the only government participant. I learned a number of interesting things, but the EUREKA! moment for me as a government practitioner was provided by Jeremiah Owyang, whose presentation included this social-media responseRead… Read more »

No Dorothy, we’re not in Kansas anymore… Time to call KDOT

I was chatting with Patrick Quinn who is the Social Media Manager, Kansas Department of Transportation, about the community efforts taking place in his organization. What follows is some great information, compliments of Patrick (many thanks for your openness). Enjoy. Q. It appears that you have an internally focused community and an externally focused community,Read… Read more »

Who Dumped All That Free Speech on My Lawn?

A lively conversation blew through the Ypsilanti, Michigan message boards this week, like discarded coupons churning in the wind. Residents are tired of finding local news site’s weekly add papers strewn about their property. Rather than just complain, they’ve taken to SeeClickFix to exchange information and find a solution. It’s proven surprisingly difficult forRead… Read more »

My Vision for FedSpace (even though nobody asked me)

For the past few days I’ve been mulling over the announcement of a new social networking system for Federal employess. According to an April 27 article in the Federal Times, it will be unveiled later this year. At first I had a cynical reaction along the lines of, “Oh great. Just what we need. AnotherRead… Read more »

Purchase Video Equipment Now and Save the Planet Too!

Purchase from Specialized Communications Corp. Web Store and Do Your Part To Protect Our Planet Do your part in protecting our planet by purchasing video equipment and accessories from the Specialized Communications Corp. web store. Through a partnership with the Arbor Day Foundation, Specialized Communications Corp., headquartered in Smithsburg, Maryland, will be planting trees forRead… Read more »

Can’t make #OGD Playbook Workshop at USDA Today? Join us on Twitter at 11 EST. Use #OpenGovWorkshop

The organizers of the Open Government Directive Workshop, being held today at the USDA, asked me to help with a companion online Twitter chat during the workshop. Please come join in the conversation using #opengovworkshop. Beth Novak kicked off the event just a few minutes ago and we’ll take the best on the conversation andRead… Read more »

Man is a Social Animal. Why not the Government then? [Government 2.0]

Numerous blogs out there sport #Gov20 or #OpenData buzzword these days igniting interesting conversations around what they believe Government 2.0 platform is probably gonna be like tomorrow. Some assume it to be a Facebook clone, some say it should be Twitter et al and some go even as far as challenging the norms of opennessRead… Read more »

Social Media Use in Local Government

Hi everyone, My name is Alan Huynh and I’m currently researching the factors that best determine the success rate of a local government utilizing social media. The survey can be taken at and would love for everyone to take it. I look forward to sharing my data once I get done with my researchRead… Read more »


Gov 2.0, social media, social innovation, citizen engagement. All demand creativity and perseverance. We all have our creative slumps. I try and get over mine by going for a walk up Mount Rogers (Canberra). Due for one this weekend. What do you do to recover the creative spark? Steve OZloop