
RecoveringFed writes on The Power of Pull

This is a repost from my blog About halfway through their new book The Power of Pull, John Hagel III, John Seely Brown, and Lang Davison write about how individuals can use emerging social networking capabilities to harness personally the power of pull–pull being their term for the capability of institutions and individuals toRead… Read more »

Weekly newsletter on leading-edge knowledge that will help us create a more open government

Research Reports 1. OpenGovernment Reports from the UK and Australia (12//2009): See how Australia and the U.K. have developed plans similar to the U.S. Australia encourages “info-philanthropy” (such as a tax deduction for sharing data) and having employees engage online and experiment with new ideas. The U.K. is opening up data, integrating cross-jurisdictional information, emphasizingRead… Read more »

Social Media Has Changed Our Lives Forever – What About You?

Social Media has changed our personal and professional lives forever. Some people use it purely recreationally, while some are unable to break away from it on their mobile device. Businesses are starting to see the “double-edged” sword of social media. While some users are able to utilize the media as tools, others abuse it forRead… Read more »

Service Leadership highlighted at yesterday’s Excellence in Government Conference

Originally posted on at I spent the day yesterday at the “Excellence in Government Conference” focusing mostly on developing a leadership culture within organizations, but to a lesser extent (at least in the sessions I attended and discussions I had) on citizen engagement through social media, a culture of service, and managing actualRead… Read more »

How to tell if your organisation is ready for change!

The following is speculation and i can not at this stage back any of this up. However i do fundamentally believe in what i am about to post. In the current economic climate there are huge pressures to reduce costs and to increase value and this often leads organisations to either announce “radical” changes orRead… Read more »

Member of the Week: Lucas Cioffi

Lucas Cioffi graduated from the US Military Academy at West Point. He served as an Army Infantry Officer for five years. He also graduated from the Army Ranger School and has earned the combat infantryman’s badge during a one-year tour in Iraq. Cioffi is co-founder of OnlineTownhalls, a software application that allows large audiences toRead… Read more »

Interested in Being at the Tip of the Spear? Be Prepared for…

This post originally appeared on my external blog, “Social Media Strategery.” Over the last three years, I’ve met a lot of people who are their organization’s social media evangelist, lead, POC, pioneer, ninja, guru, etc., and I’ve met many others who are aspiring to take on that role. Hell, I even wrote my last postRead… Read more »

What does Gov 2.0 mean afterall? Surely, not Shovelware!

Shovelware is a derogatory computer term that refers to software noted more for the quantity of what is included than for the quality or usefulness. When little thought is given to the design of an application meant for specific use on the destination platform or medium, resulting in poor quality service, what we end upRead… Read more »

Icelandic Volcano strands people, Twitter allows them to fix it

For the last two days a volcano in Iceland has been spewing ash and rock high into the atmosphere with little indication that it is going to stop any time soon. The danger that the ash presents to aircraft (the particles are so fine and sharp they can destroy a jet engine) combined with theRead… Read more »