
ASPA Annual Conference Event: Students have an Active Voice in ASPA

At the National Council Meeting on April 10, 2010, it seems clear that the council agrees that the Student Representative (newly establish voting position on the council) should do the following: Be in contact with students (national and international) and provide students with a direct link to Council. (When I mention students above and goingRead… Read more »

Is ‘The Fear’ fleeing local governments? Join #localgovchat tonight at 9 EST

Since starting #localgovchat last month, the biggest surprise to me has been the fear of social media – but not the type of fear I initially suspected. Sure, putting your agency out there publicly and openly can be a bit intimidating. I get that. We didn’t have that problem, but I get it. But IRead… Read more »

Facebook – Find a Job or Lose One!?

Thought this article from Forbes magazine was worth posting: How Facebook Ruined My CareerChristopher Steiner and Helen Coster 04.13.10, 9:50 AM ET With 400 million registered users, Facebook is a great place to find a job. For more than a few cavalier souls, it’s a great place to lose one, too. By now you’d thinkRead… Read more »

Overcoming Liability Issues in Gov’t Social Media?

I work with a particular government agency that is quite hesitant about entering the social world due to legal and liability concerns. The problems seem to always revert back to the inability to monitor and edit the content posted on the agency’s social sites. My question is: How is every other government entity out thereRead… Read more »

Facebook Security

MY OPINION ABOUT TIME! From the Facebook blog Safety is Facebook’s top priority. Our most talented people are dedicated to creating an environment where people can connect and share comfortably. As a result, we’re unveiling today a completely redesigned Safety Center . It offers new safety resources for parents, educators, teens and members of theRead… Read more »

Peter Corbett on Social Marketing

Peter Corbett spoke at Joe Shumard’s Internet Implementation Forum at the Alexandria Chamber of Commerce. I think Peter is one of the smartest people I’ve heard on using social media. This isn’t his whole presentation, just the parts I like best. His company, iStrategy Labs is a “digital experiential marketing agency.” Google istrategylabs forRead… Read more »

GovReads – ReWork – Reinventing Work

So I’m a big fan of the folks over at – a great blog written by the designer/developers over there who have created great stuff like BaseCamp. What I like about them is they are not afraid of speaking their mind and they are often contrarian. They are purposely small, purposely advocate working less,Read… Read more »

How do you engage thousands of homeland security stakeholders? Funny you should ask…

We at the National Academy of Public Administration today released our report on the National Dialogue on the Quadrennial Homeland Security Review. This was a project with the Department of Homeland Security to run a three-phase online public dialogue soliciting stakeholder ideas and feedback on DHS’s missions, goals, and priorities. While the ideas offered haveRead… Read more »