
Opening Up on Open Government

I had a pretty unique privilege earlier this week – and frankly, as a huge transparency advocate, I’m still a bit electrified by the experience – in getting to attend a series of briefings at the White House Conference Center by individual government agencies to collaborate with stakeholders on how best to adopt the principlesRead… Read more »

Ahead of the Game: Blueprint for the Reform of Australian Government Administration

Hi there Govloop members. This is a lengthy post. I apologise for that. It’s been a while, but the Blueprint has finally been released. Go take a look. The Conversation On 29 March I was lucky enough to be able to attend ‘APS Reform: A Conversation’ at the Museum of Australian Democracy. This event wasRead… Read more »

GISC’s Social Media Roundtable

On Thursday, 25 March, I attended a gathering of civilian, military, and contractor personnel to discuss social networking/social media with two government representatives and two interns from STRATCOM’s Global Innovation and Strategy Center (GISC). The objective of the GISC is to assess the value of Internet-based Capabilities (IbC) to military operations. The project started inRead… Read more »

Gov 2.0 Roundup (April 2 Edition)

The White House goes mobile, DHS connects first responders online, Minnesota’s governor hosts the first Facebook town hall forum, and state parks and recreation services connect the outdoors with the social media environment, all in this week’s version of the Rock Creek Roundup. –Earlier today, the White House announced that the website is nowRead… Read more »

Kit Kat and Government Social Media – Lessons from the Nestle’ vs. Greenpeace debacle

If you follow the social media and PR news cycle you have probably heard by now about the mess Nestle’ has found itself in on its Facebook page while dealing with a coordinated campaign by Greenpeace against its use of palm oil in its products. There is already a host of blog posts and articlesRead… Read more »

Invite our customers in – at their convenience

Lunched with Mom and daughter today. We have Ladies Lunches, when all three generations of us females go out to lunch together and share sandwiches, cake and giggles. We met Mom at the mall and she looked rather harassed. She sighed, “I have this letter from the Council about my refuse collection and I don’tRead… Read more »

Privacy News Highlights – March 27th Week

Great Privacy News Highlights 22–31 March 2010 Contents: US – New U.S. Biometrics Agency Created to Manage Dod-Wide Responsibilities. 3 US – New Hampshire Lawmakers Reject Biometric ID Restrictions. 3 CA – Alberta Ponders Provincial Biometric ID Cards for Homeless. 3 CA – New BC Gov’t Powers Raise Privacy Concerns. 4 CA – B.C. DatabaseRead… Read more »

GovLoop Advisory Board #4 – Steve Kelman

I mentioned earlier this week, we are launching a GovLoop Advisory Board to help us make GovLoop more awesome. For more information, click here.#1 – Craig Newmark, Founder of Craigslist#2 – Bill Bott, former Missouri Deputy CIO#3 – Anthony Williams, Consultant and Best-Selling co-Author of WikinomicsAnd drum roll for Day 4, please…it’s Steve Kelman, HarvardRead… Read more »

The Next level of employee engagement in the federal government

The US Office of Personnel Management has decided that WE will become the federal governments “test bed” for a relatively new concept called ROWE Results Only Work Environment. News story from Gov Exec ….Office of Personnel Management Director John Berry announced at a White House forum on Wednesday that he is moving 400 agency employeesRead… Read more »