
Privacy News Highlights – March 8th Week

Biometrics CA – Public to be Consulted Before Biometrics Added to Passports Passport Canada has confirmed it will schedule consultations to gather public input before a plan to incorporate biometric technology into passports moves forward. The consultations are expected to begin in early April. Proponents of the plan say biometric passports, which include such dataRead… Read more »

City of Sugar Land – Avoiding Social Media Turbulence

FY10 City Manager Established Strategic Project to figure out if we could do it and how to do it -Evaluate Policy Needs First-Establish Social Media as an Additional Official Commnication Tool Leadership wanted to know-What other local gov agencies currently using? Primarily interested in what other state of TX doing? -What info being communicated? -Policy/guidelinesRead… Read more »

9 Ways City Councils Can Use Facebook

This is a crosspost of With more than 50 million Americans on Facebook, there is no better place to bring local government to their constituents and to engage constituents in their City Council. Yet, a search for City Councils already on Facebook results in mainly United Kingdom and Australian Councils; American Councils number lessRead… Read more »

Prepared for Plano – Live blogging from Soc Media for Govt

Prepared in Plano Internal challenges-legal – establish a workable policy -PIO – empower PIO-Records – Policy for record keeping, who keeps them, how does your legal requirements overlap-Credibility/Verification – Use widgets on official site, come up with logo or name that is persona, post links to your media sites to show authenticity External Challenges -MaliciousRead… Read more »

Is Voting really a measure of success

I watched the People’s Politician over the weekend via the BBC iPlayer and started to think about whether “Voting” was a real measure of success of whether people feel engaged or not? In the episode we saw Ann Widdecombe Conservative MP for Maidstone get given a camera to do her first podcast and the questionRead… Read more »

The World of GovCraft

Inspired by the excellent Joanne Jacobs at the recent Likeminds event in Exeter to think more about the role of games and game play in solving problems and creating solutions. I started to think about how Government in general could be seen as a game so that we could not only engage people in theRead… Read more »

Twitter’s First Government Case Study

The USGS has become Twitter’s first-ever Government case study on their Twitter 101 for Business page. The account highlighted is the @USGSted account (Twitter Earthquake Detector). The snippet from the site: One of the U.S. Geological Survey’s unique responsibilities is the monitoring and reporting of earthquakes, which affect the daily lives of people around theRead… Read more »

New social media guidance and interactive website for local politicians

This guidance was written for a UK audience, but local politicians from anywhere will find everything bar a few legal bits useful. People are now turning first to the web to find everything from information about days out, entertainment, shopping, to making connections with friends and colleagues. People expect to be able to comment andRead… Read more »