
Is Voting really a measure of success

I watched the People’s Politician over the weekend via the BBC iPlayer and started to think about whether “Voting” was a real measure of success of whether people feel engaged or not? In the episode we saw Ann Widdecombe Conservative MP for Maidstone get given a camera to do her first podcast and the questionRead… Read more »

The World of GovCraft

Inspired by the excellent Joanne Jacobs at the recent Likeminds event in Exeter to think more about the role of games and game play in solving problems and creating solutions. I started to think about how Government in general could be seen as a game so that we could not only engage people in theRead… Read more »

Twitter’s First Government Case Study

The USGS has become Twitter’s first-ever Government case study on their Twitter 101 for Business page. The account highlighted is the @USGSted account (Twitter Earthquake Detector). The snippet from the site: One of the U.S. Geological Survey’s unique responsibilities is the monitoring and reporting of earthquakes, which affect the daily lives of people around theRead… Read more »

New social media guidance and interactive website for local politicians

This guidance was written for a UK audience, but local politicians from anywhere will find everything bar a few legal bits useful. People are now turning first to the web to find everything from information about days out, entertainment, shopping, to making connections with friends and colleagues. People expect to be able to comment andRead… Read more »

Gen Y Recruiting Tips: The Candidate Perspective.

Job ads for recruiters and HR Generalists are on the rise. I’ve seen many open roles in government recently as well. This is a good sign that the economy is starting to improve in both the public and private sector. As Gen Y are an ever growing part of the applicant pool organizations and agenciesRead… Read more »

How open government and government 2.0 can help health care reform

Regardless of your views, for or against, the health care reform act you must admit that its passage was historic. The long battle to reach this point could be, however, all for naught if not properly managed. The good news is the strategy and tools are available, will they be used? First, to make sureRead… Read more »

Project of the Week: Apps for Healthy Kids

GovLoop Founder Steve Ressler was able to catch up with the incredible and ever-awesome Amanda Eamich, Director of New Media at USDA, to ask her a few questions about a sweet new contest that they are hosting in tandem with the White House. Check it out! 1. For those that don’t know…what’s the elevator pitchRead… Read more »

Steve Pegram, Emergency Manager and USCG Auxiliarist, answers the question “Why do you serve?”

Steve Pegram is a Certified Emergency Manager (CEM), Coast Guard Auxiliary Aviator, and currently serves as Chief of the USCG Auxiliary Incident Management Systems Branch while serving with me in the USCG Auxiliary University Programs Branch. In his “day job,” Steve is “Senior Client Consultant for Crisis Communications & Operational Integration” at a great companyRead… Read more »

“People don’t want more information, they want the minimum information they need to understand a topic.”

(Matt Thompson quoted on Twitter) I Googled Matt and found this quote, “Time to stop breaking the news and start fixing it.” What I learned from his sites: Time is just one way to measure news, and newspapers lose to electronic media if timeliness is the standard. However, another perspective for news is context orRead… Read more »