Soft Skills: A Short List for Long Range Success
Soft skills don’t always get the respect they deserve. But they can still make or break our careers. Here’s how to improve on them.
Soft skills don’t always get the respect they deserve. But they can still make or break our careers. Here’s how to improve on them.
The Partnership for Public Service held its second “Transforming Customer Experience in Government” summit on Thursday to discuss the major strides and challenges that agencies are facing with customer experience (CX).
If you have worked for a while, you have undoubtedly had to face an inconvenient truth — sometimes conflict is inevitable.
Overtly false information is not the only kind containing hidden agendas. Long before the most recent scandals, our once trusted sources were already compromised with advertising, spin, and ulterior motives.
Like everything, if you push your comfort zone a little, you’ll find your comfort zone grows.
What does a hockey team bringing home a long-wanted national trophy after more than four decades have to do with community and GovLoop? The answer: an awful lot.
Public service is serious business; have some fun teambuilding with your colleagues for more success and camaraderie at work.
No matter how well you’ve crafted a story, if you’re not triggering a dialogue, your messaging might not be meeting its full potential.
When we talk, we tend to erect barriers that hinder our ability to communicate. There are seven of these types of barriers to effective communication.
A (T) may sympathize but their rational side overrides their emotions. An (F) may judge each situation differently and use compassion. Which one are you?