
Does Increasing Government Transparency Help or Hurt Professional and Trade Associations?

By Dennis D. McDonald, Ph.D. Does increasing government transparency help or hurt professional and trade associations? Here are two answers: 1. Government Transparency Helps Associations. By making government actions more visible to the public, the need for specialized associations of individuals and organizations is increased because: Groups with specialized knowledge are more able than membersRead… Read more »

Privacy and The Thousand Tiny Knives

In privacy management, it’s the major data breaches that grab the big headlines. In personal brand management, it’s the high profile embarrassments resulting from carelessness, ignorance and poor judgment that capture public attention. Janine Krieber, Nathalie Blanchard, Stephen Fry, Tiger Woods… who’ll be next? Not you, certainly. For most of us, risks to our privacyRead… Read more »

Further adventures in social media. (Aaaargh!)

I spent the morning live-tweeting an appearance before a state Senate committee by Kansas Secretary of Transportation Deb Miller. KDOT has proposed a new 10-year transportation plan for Kansas; Secretary Miller appeared before the Senate Transportation Committee to explain some of the highlights of the proposal. Her testimony continues tomorrow morning. I’ll be tweeting itRead… Read more »

How-To: Conference Tweets – So, you’ve just finished a conference, and don’t want to lose all those Tweets….

This weekend I attended the rather fantastic Open City Workshop in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. If you don’t know much about what’s happening in Edmonton, you should probably check out Adriel Hampton’s recent post on the critical mass for awesomeness that’s happening there. There’s a innovative team at work in Edmonton which is a great modelRead… Read more »

Institutions Versus Collaboration

I watched a great TED talk on youtube by Clay Shirky called “Institutions versus Collaboration.” The link was forwarded to me by Mark Horowitz, who is working to introduce wiki technology at the Millennium Challenge Corporation and wanted to learn about USAID’s experience with Developedia. The Shirky talk is from 2005, but the issues raisedRead… Read more »

Heavenly Answers for Earthly Problems

I’m SO excited to share details about NASA’s newest, coolest, never-been-done-before sustainability initiative, LAUNCH:Water. Accelerating Innovation for a Sustainable Future. We’ve been working on this project for some time — an innovative collaborative process to “launch” ideas, or disruptive green technologies, that address some of this planet’s growing pains. All props to NASA’s Robbie Schingler,Read… Read more »

The Long Tail of Enterprise Content Management

Question: Can we expect a much larger amount of the available content to be consumed or used by at least a few people in the organisations? Shifting focus from bestsellers to niche markets In 2006 the editior-in-chief of Wired magazine Chris Andersson published his book called ”The Long Tail – Why the Future of BusinessRead… Read more »

How-To: Adjust Your GovLoop Privacy Settings

Like other social networks, GovLoop allows you to adjust your privacy settings and control who sees your activity in the community. 1. Go to Settings from the homepage. 2. Go to Privacy from the My Settings page. 3. Scroll down the page and adjust your settings – Don’t forget to hit Save after you’ve madeRead… Read more »