
Meeting people where they are, the State Department does it right

I chatted with Bill May, the State Department Director of the Office of Innovative Engagement, on Friday. The State Department is on the leading edge of collaboration, of social media, understanding the need to balance engagement, transparency, security, and common sense. As expected, Bill understands all of this well, businesses and other agencies can learnRead… Read more »

DoD Publishes a Common Sense Approach to Social Media

The long awaited Department of Defense Social Media policy was announced with much fanfare Friday and it is an incredibly well thought out common sense approach that has public affairs officers world wide rejoicing. It has been a long time coming for the evangelists of new media in the ranks who have been battling forRead… Read more » | Post Status Updates to Twitter at Your Own Risk #safety #crime

Neither Mashable nor are fresh on the scene with the common sense notion that criminals are just now getting active in social networking. Criminals have been using social networking sites as a form of communication in their criminal enterprises as well as a place to cultivate job leads (crime leads for those who didRead… Read more »

Customer Service Mantra: Listen, Respect, Follow

From my very first presentation about being a government web manager – way back in the mid-90s – I’ve said this: “if you listen to your audience, they will tell you what to put on your website.” Listening to your audience is absolutely the cornerstone of great customer service. But it doesn’t stop there. YouRead… Read more »

Collaboration tools saved 5 state parks, can it help your business or agency?

I was impressed when I read Nancy’s post on GovLoop detailing how social media saved five state parks in Virginia, a cost of $500,000 per year ( I was so impressed with what I read that I wanted to follow-up with Nancy to better understand the original thinking behind these social efforts, the cost, andRead… Read more »

Archiving Social Media – Comprehensive Resources on GovLoop and Beyond

Earlier today, I saw this tweet from GovLoop Founder Steve Ressler: So I did a quick search of GovLoop and found a TON of content and conversations (see below). Also, I started creating a GovLoop Guide on Archiving. Want to help me finish it? Send me a message. GOVLOOP RESOURCES >>>BLOGS • Email, records, content,Read… Read more »

Crowdsourcing DNA – Realizing that each engagement has its own footprint

First, the definition that we have at PubliVate of crowdsourcing can be narrow in comparison to how others use the term. The story I read and am referencing and talking about below would not necessarily be something that we see a lot of in our engagements, as of yet. But…we certainly consider that it isRead… Read more »

Thoughts from Microsoft US Public Sector Summit

Live-blogging checking out MS US Public Sector CIO Summit. Will continue to update. Some cool stuff: Big fan of the tablet – demoing had tablets used with photographs especially for special ed children. Always like multi-touch. Lots of focus on the cloud – Really seems the big push these days. Trends – Do more withRead… Read more »

Government 2.0: How to Get Involved

Harvard and FutureGov research into Frontiers of Service in a Networked World: Complete our survey, tag content HKS20 (#HKS20 on Twitter), leave comments to the blog by Friday 26th February to share your thoughts on the current and future use of technology in public service delivery: Reform is the New Change: Do ItRead… Read more »