
Facilitation and bringing the lurkers out of the shadows.

This post was partly prompted by Andrew’s discussion of lurkers here. Next week, the IDeA will be hosting an online conference on online facilitation – Facilitation Now! . ( I’m really pleased to be a contributor on Thursday the 25th in a session on online conferences.) I’m really looking forward to the conference because evenRead… Read more »

US Embassy in Uruguay reaches 4.000 fans in Facebook.

Two years after it’s launch, the United States Embassy in Uruguay Facebook page adds its 4.000 fan. This growing community of followers not only keeps up to date with all our embassy activities, but it participate and engage in activities that go beyond the computer limites. From the virtual world to the real world. We’veRead… Read more »

Speaking With One Voice – A Basic of Good Customer Service

A recent Federal Computer Week article began by saying that, for fun, I sometimes ask a question through various channels at a government agency to see if I get the same answer. Well, I’m not sure I’d call it “fun.” But I have done just that when preparing to teach a class – mostly toRead… Read more »

FOIA Meets Electronic Mail

Freedom of Information Act requests are swamping government. Governments have growing incentive to open-up, be transparent and publish their records (such as lots of email) directly on the web. If records are published, government doesn’t have to waste so much effort replying to FOIA demands. A case study is the municipality of Ann Arbor, Michigan.

Social Media isn’t a Prerequisite for Open Government

This post originally appeared on my external blog,“Social Media Strategery.” Open Government/Government 2.0 is about more than wikis, open data, Twitter, Web 2.0, or social media—it is about the strategic use of technology to transform our government into a platform that is participatory, collaborative, and transparent. Sure, social media can help facilitate this transformation, butRead… Read more »

Sole Source is Out, RFP is in. But I’m still annoyed.

For those who are waiting with bated breath, I have an update on the Navy’s requirement “to develop an internal social networking community relevant to service members in a military environment.” I have heard through the grapevine that because two other companies asked to be added to the list of Interested Vendors, the Navy hasRead… Read more »

The MetaNet

One of my team members at Navstar has written an intriguing post about The Metanet. Please check it out, its worth the read. Comment if you will. Andrea by Rachel Winchester on February 17, 2010 Internet watchers, particularly business types involved in marketing, have been predicting that the Internet will become more tribal and itRead… Read more »

You Can’t Separate the ‘Social’ from Social Media

This post originally appeared in Federal Computer Week on Feb. 17, 2010. With all the media coverage of internal, behind-the-firewall social — excuse me, professional — networking platforms, such as NASA’s Spacebook, the Defense Department’s milBook and even my company’s internal tool, one might think we’re in the midst of fundamentally changing the way weRead… Read more »

But we’re Facebook Friends, don’t You Trust Me?

I found this great little article though a Linkedin group I belong to on the decline of trust across news and information sources, including social media. Right off the bat as I read, “The Social Impact of Friendships and Lies” I thought to myself: is trust in social media breaking down, or are we gettingRead… Read more »