
Network Competency—an Integrated Business Framework for Gov 2.0 [1}

Gov 2.0 is fundamentally about leveraging the power of networks – not on Pandora but on planet earth. As on Pandora, an understanding and competency of how, when, and why networks work is the key to success. Whether those networks involve outward facing citizen involvement, internal facing employee involvement or both – behavioral understanding isRead… Read more »

Google Buzz Has Completely Changed the Game: Here’s How

Google may have finally figured out social media, even if there have been some major slip-ups in the way. The implications of that realization could dramatically change social media as a tool and as an industry. Key quote: When will Google Buzz get bigger than twitter? Answer: It already has.

Have You Ever Participated in Creating a Better World, One Couch At A Time?

I recollect being introduced to the interesting CouchSurfing Project at last spring’s DC Gov 2.0 Uncamp. I first heard of this hospitality network while watching a social media documentary that took viewers into a month in the life of a first time American couchsurfer visiting London. I was instantly fascinated by the concept. CouchSurfing’s missionRead… Read more »

A fundemental problem in introducing new technology and business change

On my Capgemini Blog someone posted a very insightful comment recently; “If you are a carpenter with a traditional saw and you buy a motor powered bench saw (new technology) then you had better change the way you work because lifting up the new bench saw and taking it to the wood certainly isn’tRead… Read more »

Join Me at Open Gov West: Our Model Works Best with 2 or more Opensocial Portals

Join me @OpenGovWest March 26, 27 2010 in Seattle, WA: OpenNASA/OpenXXX, our model works best with 2 portals: My idea for two next-gen portals: Gadgets for Govt Benefits. OpenOPM/OpenNASA: My idea for two opensocial portals: Disaster Recovery use case. OpenDHS/OpenNASA: OpenEPA v2.0 Portal: Earth Apps for “Going Green”: on SteroidsRead… Read more »

Frederick software company employee uses resources to help native Haiti

[source —] For Rosemary Dyer, clicking the refresh button on her Facebook page for the last two weeks has been a matter of life and death. The Haiti native, a quality assurance analyst at the downtown Frederick software-building and technology company, Yakabod, has been using the social networking site to find out what happenedRead… Read more »

OpenGov is Real (I’ve added it to my spellcheckers)

February 6, 2010 — OpenGov websites and Public Engagement Tools A week ago, OpenGov with the progress of the Open Government Directive moved to a new level, and one that many of us in the community have long anticipated. The schedule laid out by the OGD prescribes an almost ‘lightening round’ (for the slow, deliberateRead… Read more » comes out of beta, mostly

I wrote about at the end of October and I was very impressed with the product in its beta form. If you have not yet read the post, you should. The product, as I wrote about it then, has not changed dramatically in terms of functionality. The team has focused on the underlying platformRead… Read more »

How Should Elected Officials Use Twitter?

My husband loves USA Today (no offense to him or the paper, but it’s mostly because of the colors and graphics). A few weeks ago, he called me at work to ask if I’d seen their story “More governors finding Twitter tweets sweet.” (Background: This is relevant to me since I oversee social media forRead… Read more »