
Amver, there’s an app for that!

Are you trying to keep track of the rescue news, blog posts, Twitter stream, and other social media products Amver dishes out to you? No need to worry because today we announce the launch of our application on iTunes! Compatible with the iPhone and soon to be released iPad, the Amver app combines our blogRead… Read more »

How-To: Communicate Effectively – Part 1

Effective communication has several benefits that can be applied to not only your professional endeavors, but personal as well. Learning, (or shall I say relearning) how to listen and speak skillfully can not only show your co-workers that you understand their issues, but it can also enrich your relationships. More people will be attracted toRead… Read more »

Member of the Week: Andrea Schneider

If you’ve been a member of one of Andrea Schneider’s groups, you know why Andrea hosts some of the most fascinating conversations on GovLoop. The titles alone may entice you to join: – Evaluation: The Data and The Story – Social Networking, Leadership and Innovation in the Applied Setting – Who’s Running the Show? ARead… Read more »

Online Public Engagement – New Grant Program

Online public engagement is huge these days. All of the federal /open pages are launched with online public engagement tools soliciting feedback on how to do participation, transparency, and engagement. There’s been some pretty cool blogs on GovLoop about “making crowdsourcing successful” As this space unfolds, it’s been cool to see companies like Ideascale collaborateRead… Read more »

Social media = letting others in

“You can’t take advantage of the connectivity, reach and viral nature of the beast without also being willing to connect, reach many people and let others share. It’s like wanting to enjoy the sensation of flying over the water in a boat at high speed but without the engine noise. It’s the “other people” partRead… Read more »

Gov20 L.A. – Agility for better government

I’m live-blogging today’s sessions at the Gov2.0 L.A. City Camp. Our twitter hashtag is #gov20la, and since I’m live-blogging this post is necessarily incomplete. Please check back next week for the edited version with more links, plus video, audio, etc. Second Life Founder Cory Ondrejka is the lead-off speaker and riffing on the importance ofRead… Read more »

Social Media takes EMS to a whole new level

If you are part of the public safety, fire or EMS community on Twitter or Facebook then you certainly have heard about “The Chronicles of EMS” Social TV Reality Series (Twitter hashtag #CoEMS. If you are not, and do not know about it then you have been missing out on a truly unique project thatRead… Read more »

Project of the Week – Native Cultures 2.0

So much of the 2.0 part of the web is community in collaboration. One of the emerging questions with this technology and tools is – how does it benefit all Americans or help to reach traditionally underserved populations? What caught our attention this month is how native communities are using Web 2.0 tools to enhanceRead… Read more »