
Gov’t Privacy News Summary – Jan 23 -31

My friend Fred puts together this awesome privacy news highlights and said I could cross-post… So here we go: Privacy News Highlights 23–31 January 2010 Contents: US – NH House Passes Bill Banning Fingerprint IDs. 3 CA – B.C. Names Acting Privacy Commissioner 3 CA – Privacy Commissioner Launches New Facebook Probe. 3 CA –Read… Read more »

Can you stop by Afghanistan on your way out?

To anyone who has ever served in the military, changes to plans are as commonplace as breathing. We even have a type of order for that helps us handle sudden shifts in direction. FRAGOs (fragmentary orders) are used throughout the military planning process, but usually end up as the “oh crap!” type of order thatRead… Read more »

The importance of conference rapport

I have, to date, spoken at some two dozen seminars, conferences, panels or other public events where the audience is not my coworkers. Not bragging, just saying that I’ve been to a few. Enough, I hope, to give an observation without having the more seasoned public speakers of the world laugh too hard. I knowRead… Read more »

How-To: Submit a Proposal and Get Accepted at a Big Conference

Over the last week, I’ve spent several hour reviewing proposals for 3 conferences. As such, I think I have a few tips on how to get your proposal accepted: 1 – Have a gov’t person speak. Honestly, if it is just you and your a vendor, I’m scared it is a product pitch for yourRead… Read more »

Governments’ success with new social media depends on success with old engagement methods

[Note this is a cross post from my blog, the original (with links & images) can be found here.] Transparency, open government, e-government, Gov 2.0 are all terms to describe government’s new relationship with citizens in the age of the Internet, particularly using the social media technology solutions of Web 2.0. Many believe in itsRead… Read more »

Best Practices: U.S. Army using MySpace to recruit soldiers

By: Michael O’Dell In the world of social media recruiting, you hear a lot about the big three recruiting tools. These three are Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Often times, MySpace is completely overlooked as a source of recruitment leads. Many recruiters say the MySpace demographic is less professional. They say the medium is “too messy”Read… Read more »

Anyone up for an interview for my blog?

I am looking to further extend my knowledge, and that of my readers, around a few specific areas. If you are somone who would be up for an e-mail driven, or phone-driven, interview, to discuss one of the following, I would really appreciate it. — If you are in an Agency that leverages social mediaRead… Read more »