
Top 8 Ways To Use Social Media (Video)

Lewis Howes, a record setting arena football player, college All-American, and social media explorer has his own YouTube Channel and made a great video. “Top 8 Ways To Use Social Media” (Live links at

WHAT and HOW We Say It Matters

How and when and where leaders communicate continues to be in the midst of transformation. It seems we’re always on the air in some way. Have you noticed? It is evolving as the whole landscape for leadership changes —involving all of us; stretching across cultures and many dimensions of difference at a breakneck speed. EachRead… Read more »

The 90-9-1 Principle of Social Media

Just posted on OZloop – Is this an issue in the States? What are the implications of The 90 – 9 – 1 Principle for Gov 2.0 and citizen participation? And, indeed, for public servants engaging in robust online discussion. Here is a presentation given by Crispin Butteriss of Bang the Table on this issue.Read… Read more »

Conference Report: Legal Information Issues at POGW: Princeton Open Government Workshop

The workshop entitled Open Government: Defining, Designing, and Sustaining Transparency (POGW), held 21-22 January 2010 at Princeton University’s Center for Information Technology Policy (CITP), featured much valuable discussion about legal information. (The Twitter hashtag for the workshop is #pogw. An apparently complete collection of tweets from the workshop is available here. My tweets from theRead… Read more »

Local Gov Session at #citycamp – Best Practices/Success Stories

Room for sharing and working together Place to share ideas and move beyond ideas Edmonton – several thousands followers -not just retweet news -actually answer people back City of Tacoma – answer peole back Twitter- Austin – only allow followers…not responses…part of policy -Comm actually tweets…but from department to comm… -Comm team – YouTube andRead… Read more »

The Internet is now (officially) in space

Cross posted from Here on Earth, we’ve grown used to having the Internet available almost anytime we want it. As of December 2009, 74% of American adults use the internet. 60% of American adults use broadband connections at home. 55% of American adults connect wirelessly through laptops or handheld devices like smartphones. So, whatRead… Read more »

Federal Eye: Eye Opener: One year of ‘open government’

“Open Gov the Movie” – from Delib from Delib on Vimeo. Happy Thursday! One year ago today, good government groups and transparency advocates cheered as President Obama issued his first executive orders mandating the government “adopt a presumption in favor” of Freedom of Information Act requests and requiring that agencies become more transparent. “The governmentRead… Read more »