
How Microsoft Added Cheeky To Its Geeky

Today I’m happy to announce that I’ve taken a full time position as Director of Innovative Social Engagement for Microsoft, in its U.S. Public Sector division that handles federal, state, and local government, education, and healthcare business. I’ll be staying in the DC area (where the division is headquartered) and will still be involved inRead… Read more »

Is the Coast Guard ready for Social Media in a Crisis Situation?

Though completely coincidental to the earthquake in Haiti, I’ve slowly been working on the thoughts and outline for this post- which now seems more relevant than ever. You’ll recall a post from a few weeks ago titled Social Media as a warning tool… which I now admit was kind of a letdown of a postRead… Read more »

What’s YOUR Passion? Why should We Care?

This weekend, I participated in the Science Online 2010 conference at the Research Triangle in North Carolina, at the request of Karen James of the HMS Beagle Project. We connected on Twitter. She works in the UK. I work in DC. We met for the first time in North Carolina. Pretty cool, huh! Our panelRead… Read more »

January Twitter Senate Experiment Results

You may recall that I started an experiment on Twitter reaching out to Political accounts on twitter, feel free to read here for a reminder. The United States Senate was out of session when I launched this experiment and I will run it again in February. However, I wanted to quickly report the results asRead… Read more »

Pushing the Government Send Button – Risk in the face of social media

t has been fascinating to watch governments – particularly in Canada – grapple with the risk paradigm. The worry is all too real, unfortunately, that interacting and sharing of their expertise and experience could land a leader on the front fold of the newspaper or silently put a clerk or policy analyst into a box.Read… Read more »

On Birth and Extintion of Digital Ecosystems

Our increasing participatory and interactive behavior in the Internet is evolving at such speed that our metamorphosis into digital species feels like it is happening overnight. We are collectively developing all sorts of digital ecosystems and new market laws where things are moving so fast that marketers have little time to find out what areRead… Read more »

Public Diplomacy via Innovative Social Engagement

Since I left the National Defense Unversity, I’ve been thinking a lot about what I want to do next. In between, I did some writing, speaking, and teaching, but now I’m moving to something more permanent. It’s leaked that I’m joining Microsoft’s U.S. Public Sector division as Director of Innovative Social Engagement. I thought I’dRead… Read more »

Project of the Week: Census 2010

in several ways over the next couple months to help them more effectively spread the word about the 2010 Census. One of the first things we did in that partnership was to create a new group called “US Census Communication Partners” to facilitate dialogue about best practices in reaching the public. The group will beRead… Read more »