
DonnaInk Publications (dp) inVirtual Work Way Wishes Everyone a Happy New Year! Cheers 2010!

DonnaInk Publications (dp) inVirtual Work (VW)® Way Happy New Year 2010! View more presentations from Donna Quesinberry. DonnaInk Publications (dp) Book Nook – Happy New Years 2010 View more presentations from Donna Quesinberry. About the Author: Ms. Quesinberry, DonnaInk Publications (dp) President, manages a government (federal and state) and commercial consultancy. A published technical non-fictionRead… Read more »

Gadgetry and Innovation

These may have been around for a while, but I have just recently come across them and think they are some great, novel ideas. What have you found interesting out there? Spotlight Hat, available at Lowe’s and numerous others in various designs. Pull-out advertising on a ballpoint pen, available at and numerous other sites.

Is Cooperation Possible? Funding 2.0: A Model for Multi-Agency Funding for Gov 2.0 Initiatives

Certainly, I am not fantasizing magic filled utopia where happiness radiates all around and unicorns slide down rainbows into pools of blueberry jam, but let’s be realistic about the situation here. We are living in a time of shrinking budgets and disappearing funds with no relief in sight. The key is doing more with less,Read… Read more »

Jane & John Q. Public’s “Year-End (2009) Gov 2.0 List”

There are some great “year-end” blog posts and articles reviewing e-Gov, or government via the Internet. This year, it is mostly about Gov 2.0 — stories or benchmarks for expanding collaborative technologies of Web 2.0 across the public sector. All of these articles come from practitioners, intended for reading/discussion among other practitioners. What’s missing? HowRead… Read more »

Best of GovLoop 2009: A Dozen Dynamite Blog Posts

One of our GovLoop Rockstars, Amanda Blount, took a close look at the blogs from 2009 to unearth the biggest gems – posts that sparked comment or controversy or that just got us talking about key topics in government. Here are her picks (and we agree – these were some of the standouts!). __________________ DuringRead… Read more »

Social Networking Lessons for Building Local Communities

A city’s sustainability and stability relies on an active, engaged, and innovative population. But local government was never structured to address this social aspect of community even though many expect it to do so. Instead, as Tim O’Reilly said in this video, government is like a vending machine, “we pay our taxes and out comeRead… Read more »

Twittering for Contracts Transparency with TrackDailyGoals

Sterlling Whitehead maintains a blog called All Things Sterling. This post can help you understand the huge power of using a simple service like TrackDailyGoals for easily implementing transparency. There’s also the added bonus of easy project management completion and goal tracking at the same time. The Point The real but unnoticed benefit for theRead… Read more »

Happy Holidays from DonnaInk Publications (dp) 2009

Happy Holidays from DonnaInk Publications (dp) book division for 2009 View more presentations from Donna Quesinberry. Season’s Greetings from DonnaInk Publications (dp) 2009 View more presentations from Donna Quesinberry. About the Author: Ms. Quesinberry, DonnaInk Publications (dp) President, manages a government (federal and state) and commercial consultancy. A published technical non-fiction and fictional author, sheRead… Read more »