
Social Networking Lessons for Building Local Communities

A city’s sustainability and stability relies on an active, engaged, and innovative population. But local government was never structured to address this social aspect of community even though many expect it to do so. Instead, as Tim O’Reilly said in this video, government is like a vending machine, “we pay our taxes and out comeRead… Read more »

Twittering for Contracts Transparency with TrackDailyGoals

Sterlling Whitehead maintains a blog called All Things Sterling. This post can help you understand the huge power of using a simple service like TrackDailyGoals for easily implementing transparency. There’s also the added bonus of easy project management completion and goal tracking at the same time. The Point The real but unnoticed benefit for theRead… Read more »

Happy Holidays from DonnaInk Publications (dp) 2009

Happy Holidays from DonnaInk Publications (dp) book division for 2009 View more presentations from Donna Quesinberry. Season’s Greetings from DonnaInk Publications (dp) 2009 View more presentations from Donna Quesinberry. About the Author: Ms. Quesinberry, DonnaInk Publications (dp) President, manages a government (federal and state) and commercial consultancy. A published technical non-fiction and fictional author, sheRead… Read more »

For the Canadian Federal Government…some social media catch up suggestions for 2010

Ok Canadian federal government…it is starting to look a little bleak on the social media landscape from a leadership perspective. And I certainly don’t mean that dedicated, bright, and to a certain degree brave set of leaders who have been eschewing the value of social media in government for some time now. I am talkingRead… Read more »

How-To: Create Strong Passwords and Foil Hackers in 6 Easy Steps

Author’s note: this is a guide to help you better protect yourself and your privacy online. While no method is full-proof, these steps will point you in the right direction and I encourage everyone to work towards a safer, more secure New Year in 2010. Creating strong passwords is not enough when you consider justRead… Read more »

The Difference between Open Government and Open Governance

Is the federal government up to the challenge of citizen engagement with the public on an individual basis? Is it too much to expect an institution with an annual budget of three trillion dollars and as the nation’s largest employer with close to two million employees ready to go one-on-one with John or Jane Q.Read… Read more »

5 Surefire Ideas for Contract Professionals to Improve Job Hunting

This post gives you innovative ideas for getting a job in the contracts field. Even if you aren’t looking for a job, these ideas can help improve your reputation. Charlie Hoehn put together an e-book for getting a job in any field. Simply put, it is one of the most brilliant pieces of writing I’veRead… Read more »