
Business Consultancy India – Dr. Shailesh Thaker

Multi-taskers are considered as the geniuses created by God of the 21st century. Have you ever wondered what is it that multi-taskers do that you can’t? The answer is nothing. Stanford University researchers have challenged a prevailing myth that multi-taskers are better at processing and organizing information. The people who multi-task the most are theRead… Read more »

But where does DoD fit in? Review of Burton Report: Gotta, Mike. “Field Research: Actions to Take On Enterprise Social Networking”

With the DoD lagging behind in the adoption of social media in general, to include social networking, it is not an area ripe for research. Yet, with growing interest and a handful of innovative projects picking up steam, we have a need to apply what has been done on the commercial sector without much understandingRead… Read more »

Social Media–Cause they’re already bad mouthing you anyway

I think one of the most compelling arguments to engage in the social media world for government public relations folks simply lies in being part of the conversation that is occurring already. This has always been obvious to me but it really came to mind while I attended the Department of Defense All Services SocialRead… Read more »

The Merging of Epidemics in the Information Age – A Side Note

With so many people I know fighting the flu and our concerns about the H1N1 epidemic, I have been thinking about the Global Public Health Intelligence Network, GIPHIN, the Canadian’s based public health early warning systems, and the role it played during the SARS scare. I first heard about GPHIN back in late 2005 andRead… Read more »

How-To: Find That Perfect Social Media User Name the Easy Way

It’s once again “how-to Monday” and in an effort to continue the trend of how to “best use those social media tools freely available to all to make our lives easier” I’m sharing a new ‘easy’ site with you. And it doesn’t get much easier than knowem. Put simply it’s a one-stop shop to ensureRead… Read more »

Member of the Week: Dustin Haisler

When I received an invitation to present for the Texas Certified Public Manager in San Marcos, TX, this past week, I immediately thought of Dustin Haisler. Haisler wears many hats for the city of Manor, which is a few miles northeast of San Marcos just outside of Austin. He and his colleagues are finding creativeRead… Read more »

Technology is not the thing

Last week I spoke at the Online Information conference. It was a session about Twitter, where Karen Blakeman did a great job explaining the whole thing, and how organisations can make use of it. Then I stepped up and told a few jokes about government is – and should be – using Twitter. Here’s theRead… Read more »