
Social Media Requirements to Land Your Next Job. Are You a Willing Participant?

You certainly can’t escape Twitter or Facebook these days — they always seem to be in the news, but have you seen them mentioned in job postings? Evidently this was the case in September if you were applying for Best Buy’s Senior Manager in emerging media marketing. Listed as one of the job’s “preferred requirements”Read… Read more »

How to Energize Your Audience? Start by Wearing the Right Spectacles

Lately, I’ve been thinking a lot about what makes some social networking, or web 2.0 applications so pervasive resulting in the “tectonic shift” we are undergoing. The applications we are talking about here are ones that you get a craving to check in with – and see what has happened in the last couple ofRead… Read more »

GovLoop Community Engagement Guidelines – Your Feedback??

Greetings GovLoopers! UPDATE as of 11/8/09: Based on initial feedback last week, please see the various changes in BOLD below. In talking to many of the social media practitioners in and around government agencies, one of their stated best practices is the development and display of a solid policy that provides guidelines for engagement onRead… Read more »

Thoughts on Twitter Lists (and Thoughts and More Thoughts)

Collected topical posts from Wired To Share Semantics: Why Twitter Lists Rock Lots has been said about Twitter Lists – Robert Scoble is doing some great analysis, as are govies like Sarah Bourne of Mass.Gov. I have two big first impressions: Lists are a fabulous discovery tool, a data rich and hand-picked crowd tagged withRead… Read more »

The Future of Transparency-Effective Outreach

The dominant first year theme of the new Administration has been the importance of achieving “transparency” to build citizen trust. The transparency ideal—inarguable in principle—is difficult in execution. To this end, most of the available leadership bandwidth has been consumed by public promotion of a data centric portal strategy as a means to achieve transparency.Read… Read more »

November Issue of “The Edge” Hi Everyone – We all know that good service is fast service. And government is notorious for moving too slowing and having processes that are much to complicated. Red Tape, anyone? Kaizen process improvement is a quick way to make huge improvements to processes by cutting the seven categories of waste. Also in thisRead… Read more »

The Power of Social Media: H1N1 and Local Government

In case anyone needs more reasons why investing time in social media should be strongly considered, especially at the local government level, I offer this case study (from my own view, of course). In the last three weeks, the H1N1 vaccine has been slowly rolling out to local jurisdictions. In Fairfax County, we’ve now hostedRead… Read more »