
Social Media Simulation and Training Environments – Internet Media Testing

All well-known systems engineering methodologies and enterprise system development programs leverage testing environments. Testing environments can be built and operated for very different purposes, ranging from prototyping and simulation, to pre-production load testing and usability or “Section 508 Accessibility” checks. Specialized SOA testing frameworks are sometimes required, for difficult infrastructure integration challenges. Most major systemsRead… Read more »

Member of the Week: Tariq Piracha

Over the last few weeks, I noticed some great content being shared by Tariq Piracha, a Content Strategist for the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, Government of Canada, and thought it would be great to feature him as the GovLoop Member of the Week so that we can all learn a bit moreRead… Read more »

Social Media Policy – Part 2 – Defining “Social Media”

Defining what “social media” means is another factor cited as important to a social media policy. This definition provides a framework for understanding what the organization is discussing. For instance, Facebook is commonly known to be a social networking platform. Twitter is often called a micro-blogging platform, but some believe it to be a socialRead… Read more »

A better question than “what’s the business case for Gov2.0?”

Don’t ask how do I make the business case for Gov2.0?”; tell us about your agency’s relationships, and the case will become obvious. Imagine that you’re a savvy Federal staffer in US Defense Military Health System Program. You’re excited by what the US Patent Office accomplished with its Peer to Patent program, eager to copyRead… Read more »

Federal Eye Eye Opener: Selling government service

Happy Thursday! (Unless you’re the Yankees?) About 40 Obama administration officials, lawmakers, Hill staffers, employee organization heads, private sector leaders, good government types and academics met Wednesday in Washington to have a frank, off-the-record conversation about the federal government’s recruitment and hiring process. “It was an invitee-only, off-the-record session that participants described as a candidRead… Read more »

Social Media Policy – Part 1 – Organizational Culture

One of the key items to consider when developing a social media policy is the value that the organization’s leadership places on the use of social media. This value system regarding social media will largely determine how the organization resolves issues with its employees’ use of social media. Broadly speaking, organizations can be divided basedRead… Read more »

What is Enterprise 2.0 – Amended

Previously posted at Enterprise 2.0 is the concept of working smarter, not harder in a more transparent work environment, independent of location, computer, or one person doing a specific job. It is a methodology of doing better business and it is one of our Core Competencies at Navstar. Navstar has the leading experts inRead… Read more »

GovLoop Project of the Week – GovLuv

1. What is GovLuv? GovLuv is a website that connects government representatives and citizens through Twitter. It illuminates the existing conversations and encourages a more productive two-way dialog. It is a project of and the Open Forum Foundation, and is freely available as a public service. 2. How did the idea of GovLuv comeRead… Read more »

How to BE a Government Consultant and Use Social Media: A Guide

As “Government 2.0” becomes more and more popular, especially here in the Washington area, there seem to be an increasing number of people calling themselves social media or “Gov 2.0” consultants. As such, I’ve also seen a small increase in the number of people who are only interested in hawking their wares because social mediaRead… Read more »

K-TOC and the public

Our project selection pilot outreach is (at last) up on K-TOC. It took about three weeks to get everything posted, so there’s no Ta-Da! moment, but October community traffic is up about 65 percent over August traffic. We might reach 2,000 unique visitors this month, which would be a record for us. A more detailedRead… Read more »