
Inclusion – a brand value to be proud of

The rapid growth, availability and promotion of Web 2.0 services is making organisations in both the public and private sectors rethink their internal and external communication strategies, both on and offline. Any discussions with peers and colleagues will quickly reveal that broadcast only communications are no longer acceptable. When organisations first became bold enough toRead… Read more »

Innovation according to California CTO PK

Listening to California CTO who is dropping some knowledge: -Titled Reinventing “We the People” -People coming into elected office now understand power of IT -Showing Governor race of California by Twitter followers -Different set of people coming into office -The medium is the mssage -511,000 political races X $10k = $5.1 billion market over 4Read… Read more »

The myth of engaging with everyone

When I talk to people about the possibilities of engaging with people online, using social technology, I often get questioned about the numbers issue. Stuff like: How many people in our area actually use Twitter? What about people who don’t have web access? What do we do about people who don’t like using the internetRead… Read more »

Self-Esteem and Facebook/Twitter

X-posted to WordPress – not really government related, but Social Media related: We all remember the pseudo-psychology of the 80s when Self-Esteem issues were identified and the concept beat to death as a crutch for young up and coming emergent adults when we suffered failures in life. As we approach the end of this decade,Read… Read more »

Social Media Advice from WSJ

I’m live-blogging and tweeting an intensive all-day Twitter event in Washington, DC, today. Room is full of influential, high-impact learners and doers from federal agencies, media outlets, and corporations. State Dept. got a huge shout-out from Craig Newmark. Podcast coming later. Two of the most succinct pieces of advice about being online were shared thisRead… Read more »

SOCIAL MEDIA: Gatherng, Challenges & GovLoop

The GLOBAL ECONOMIC CRISIS and the increasing use SOCIAL MEDIA have created a powerful duo in changing how we reach and communicate with each other and our unique “customers.” It is helping us discover the common ground upon which we walk across the world when it comes to pioneering new possibilities in government leadership andRead… Read more »