
Social Media Advice from WSJ

I’m live-blogging and tweeting an intensive all-day Twitter event in Washington, DC, today. Room is full of influential, high-impact learners and doers from federal agencies, media outlets, and corporations. State Dept. got a huge shout-out from Craig Newmark. Podcast coming later. Two of the most succinct pieces of advice about being online were shared thisRead… Read more »

SOCIAL MEDIA: Gatherng, Challenges & GovLoop

The GLOBAL ECONOMIC CRISIS and the increasing use SOCIAL MEDIA have created a powerful duo in changing how we reach and communicate with each other and our unique “customers.” It is helping us discover the common ground upon which we walk across the world when it comes to pioneering new possibilities in government leadership andRead… Read more »

Craig Newmark talking Gov 2.0 at TWTRCON DC

I’m live-tweeting at @militarytweets if you want to follow the stream. Alan Murray of WSJ is interviewing Craig Newmark about his passion for good government and work helping Gov’t — particularly DoD — embrace social media and the power and effectiveness of social networking. Here’s a link to more plus a photo. Podcast coming later:Read… Read more »

Military and Government Facebook Pages: Being there is not enough

Today a growing number of military units and government organizations have an official presence in social media and especially on Facebook. Unfortunately, it seems that most organizations just seem to think that being there is good enough. Their fan pages are nothing more than a place to push the same old news releases and selfRead… Read more »

Gov 2.0: Stay Wired to Share

from – Last evening I was reminded about a point Canadian govie Nick Charney made in a recent chat – tools like Twitter are fantastic for connecting those in government (or anywhere, really) who are “wired to share.” That resonates with my strong opinion that “Government 2.0″ is about a culture, not any particularRead… Read more »