
Some thoughts while reading Human Sigma

Some thoughts while reading Human Sigma by John H. Fleming and Jim Asplund (Gallup Press, 2007) These are not quotes or summaries, these are thoughts which ensued. (Originally posted on Who Cares and So What wiki http:/ <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> MEASUREMENT DOES NOT EQUAL CONTROL It seems that many people feel like they are being controlled ifRead… Read more »

MassDOT Developer Conference and Challenge – November 14, 2009

This July, the Massachusetts Executive Office of Transportation launched the EOT Developers Page BETA. The EOT Developers page at hosts multi-modal transportation data made available for smart, innovative software developers to build applications that benefit transportation users, travelers, and riders. EOT has engaged these developers, holding developers’ meetings and engaging the community through TwitterRead… Read more »

Mugging the rich bastard lawyers

Cross posted from Online Journalism Blog, where I’ve been updating all day – find any further updates here. If the famous media gaggers, the libel law firm Carter-Ruck, scourge of Private Eye, thought they’d scored another famous victory (these guys are big on bragging) suppressing news they hadn’t reckoned with social media. #trafigura is asRead… Read more »

You Lie 2.0

You Lie 2.0: How disrespect can get you thousands of new friends and a million dollars At first, Congressman Joe Wilson’s outburst during President Obama’s health-care address looked like a career killer. Members of both parties blasted him for his dramatic breech of decorum, and most Americans, regardless of ideology, reacted with disgust. But theRead… Read more »

Member of Week – Meagen Ryan – Rock Creek Strat Marketing

I first got introduced to Rock Creek Strategic Marketing during Gov 2.0 Camp when I met a rad dude named Scott Johnson. His team helped me out with a new slick GovLoop banner and generally awesomeness and also introduced me to some of his great staff like Meagen Ryan who we are featuring as GovLoopRead… Read more »

Empathy vs. Sympathy – Customer Service Week Diatribe

As part of the “celebrations” of this week, Customer Service Week, I am attending various Customer Service related webinars. Whenever I attend similar functions, I get extremely agitated by the constant pounding of the use of empathy; and the term is used incorrectly. I have been in Customer Service for the last 22 years. InRead… Read more »

We Need Your Vote – New Conference City!

The Advanced Learning Institute Needs Your Vote! Help us choose the best city to host our next Social Media for Government – March 22-25, 2010. Please choose ONE city from these choices: Phoenix, Dallas or Atlanta. Which one is the most accessible and has a wider government draw? Please post your choice on the SocialRead… Read more »