
Using Social Networking to Reach the Public

DC Public Safety Blog at Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency Using Social Networking to Reach the Public September 25th, 2009 · 1 Comment From “Community Policing Dispatch,” August, 2009, US Department of Justice In world history there have been few fundamental shifts in how people move through society, but right now such aRead… Read more »

Records Keeping in a Web 2.0 World

Time was when a lot of government agencies, including a few I worked for, kept their records in the equivalent of an old shoebox containing a few old spiralbound notebooks left in the care of that secretary, whats-her-name, who retired four years ago… Yeah. With the advent of e-mail a few decades ago records keepingRead… Read more »

Idea generation: who cares? (I mean, seriously?!)

I’ve been thinking about and studying the whole “here comes everybody” phenomenon recently. And, while I’m not going to offer any definitive conclusions, I thought I would offer a mish-mash of some of my personal observations and findings: first, to see if any resonate and, second, to see what I can learn from others whoRead… Read more »

Social Media Workshop –

The Business Council of Alabama (BCA), the Alabama Democratic Party, the Alabama Republican Party, the Alabama Council of Association Executives, and are joining forces to host a workshop on social media. The workshop will be held on Thursday, October 8 from 8:00 am – 12:00 pm at the Renaissance Hotel in downtown Montgomery. ThisRead… Read more »

Mixing Up Some Awesome Sauce – GovLoop’s Sale to GovDelivery

By now you’ve most likely read the news stories and early blogs about GovDelivery’s acquisition of GovLoop, the government social networking site that has rapidly grown from zero to nearly 20,000 members in just over a year. GovLoop founder Steve Ressler broke the news on GovLoop via a blog post, and GovDelivery CEO Scott BurnsRead… Read more »

GovLoop Graduation to Full-Time

Today is a big day for GovLoop. I kind of feel like it is high school graduation. GovLoop has been my passion and my hobby for nearly 1.5 years. Now, I’ve found an exciting way to go full time with GovLoop so I can give this community the focus it deserves. I’ve linked up withRead… Read more »