
Ask GovLoop on Knowledge – Facebook as a Knowledge Management Concept

I found an interesting article by Tom Warner. In these two paragraphs, it talks about using Facebook to spread knowledge around. What’s your opinion on this concept? One such company, Serena Software in San Mateo, Calif., offers a companywide program called “Facebook Fridays,” which encourages employees to find fun and personal connections in the workplace,Read… Read more »

Case Study: Use of Social Media to “Crowd Source” Series of Articles

Background: Andy Krzmarzick , a Senior Project Coordinator at the Graduate School and Executive Board member of Young Government Leaders, wanted to tap into the multi-sector, multi-generational, governmental community to collaborate on a series of articles for The Public Manager magazine. The suggested articles would cover a variety of the issues surrounding telework, including greenRead… Read more »

Why the Military Needs Social Media, Part One (What do you think?)

To cut to the chase: I’ve seen the power and strategic potential of social media in the military while contracting for DoD for 18+ months. I have a new post up about this at my other blog: Frontlines Social Media. DoD should embrace social media — not push it away. Leaders such as Price Floyd,Read… Read more »

The Week of Gov 2.0 – Longing for More

This post originally appeared on my external blog, “Social Media Strategery.” We’ve already had the Summer of Gov, but September 7-11 was the Week of Gov. With the Gov 2.0 Expo Showcase on Tuesday and the Gov 2.0 Summit on Wednesday and Thursday, plus a multitude of happy hours and networking receptions, I was immersedRead… Read more »

Gov 2.0 – making sense of complex data sets in order to use them

Hi, everyone, Before coming to government, I served as a college financial aid director. After moving to DC, I spent eight years surrounded by large financial aid data sets, doing risk analysis and providing decision support based on the myriad records that colleges had submitted to the Department in order to administer aid to theirRead… Read more »

140 Characters of Crap: The Sophisticated Rise of Social Engineering on Twitter

Anybody that uses Twitter on a regular basis know that there are a lot of junk posts and meaningless content. There have even been studies done recently that categorized the type of posts and found that the majority wasn’t very “news worthy” to say the least. Yet there were some meaningful tweets, I have foundRead… Read more »

Employers still love to hire veterans

Employers Targeting U.S. Veterans for Hiring, New CareerBuilder Survey Finds –New Site Launches to Help U.S. Service Men and Women Find Jobs– CHICAGO, September 10, 2009 – Re-entering the workforce in today’s job market can be a daunting task, especially for those returning from military service in Iraq and Afghanistan. Earlier this year, theRead… Read more »