
GovLoop Project of the Week – Gov 2.0 University

This week we feature Gov 2.0 University. While social media/web 2.0 are far from new, it is for many Government leaders who struggle trying to understand what it all means and how they can implement it into their business structure and processes. Gov 2.0 University exists to “help government leaders successfully apply Web 2.0 technologiesRead… Read more »

GovLoop Member of the Week: Emma Antunes and Spacebook

Space, the final frontier. These are the voyages of the Starship Enterprise. Its five-year mission: to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no man has gone before. – Captain James T. Kirk, start of every episode of the original TV series ‘Star Trek While CaptainRead… Read more »

Delivering on promises

One of my weaknesses is that I get distracted. When operating in a team, with constructed deadlines and timetables, things are easy. A day’s mission or set of milestones are there to be tackled and accomplished. However, when a rogue agent like me, I’ve discovered the common challenge of effective time management. It’s harder toRead… Read more »

GovTwit Week in Review 9/14 – 9/20

Lots of interesting stories and discussion continued the week after Gov 2.o Summit, so let’s get to it… As pointed out in a Washington Post story, Tweeting Their Own Horns, many politicians spend most of their time on Twitter promoting themselves. This according to a study of 6,000 tweets over the summer by researchers atRead… Read more »

Gov 2.0 Glitz and Gab—Right Track, Wrong Track?

Throughout 2009, the Gov 2.0 community has grappled with substance, tenor and tone for a new era of social communication, and more specifically, “social production”. How can and will citizens, government employees, and stakeholders add value to government processes? (See, The Value of Networks, Yochai Benkler). In an almost non-stop series of 2009 conferences, GovRead… Read more »

A Twitterfall in Congress?

I’m reading an advance copy of a great new book called “If We Can Put a Man on the Moon” by William D. Eggers and John O’Leary. The release date is set for November 19. Based on the first 100 pages, I’d compare it to the classic business books “Good to Great” or “Built toRead… Read more »

HIPAA guide

IMO Probably should have widest distribution! HIPAA == Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act The Patient’s Guide to HIPAA is the first comprehensive guide to medical privacy written expressly for patients with a practical eye as to how to use the law to protect privacy. It is a major privacy resource for patients, written directlyRead… Read more »

The Election Season in Westchester,NY

If ever a county could use gov2.0 to reinvigorate the politcial process it is Westchester, New York. I worked as a poll inspector yesterday and we got nineteen voters for a fifteen hour day. Quite often individuals came in oblivious to the fact that they couldn’t vote since they were registered as Republicans and onlyRead… Read more »

Social Media Challenges — Gov 2.0 conference group brainstorm

Concern about legalities, compliance (in GSA the Social Media Order has about 12 different areas of compliance social media needs to adhere to). Lack of overall organizational direction / overall gameplan / strategy and plan for how social media will complement the traditional communications approaches — and do it in a way where it doesn’tRead… Read more »