
My Favorite Links

Useful links I have found on GovLoop and elsewhere: Leadership Four Star Management – General Bill Creech (1927-2003) orchestrated an extraordinary turnaround of the Tactical Air Command that ultimately swept through the rest of the Air Force and many other parts of the U.S. Armed Forces. Grassroots Leadership – Inspirational FastCompany article about Mike Abrashoff,Read… Read more »

How to Build a Bigger and Better Referral Business

Commit to Your Clients Committing to your clients shows them that they are #1. Assure them that their needs are paramount. This will take care of the majority of the referral work. Explain Your Business Explain to your clients what your business entails. Let them know that you are own a referral-based business, and thatRead… Read more »

Member of Week: Lovisa Williams, Department of State

LOVISA WILLIAMS: GOVLOOP MEMBER OF THE WEEK (and general rockstar) By Andy Krzmarzick Few people in the Government 2.0 space are focusing on the international aspects of social media, such as what we can learn from other countries that are implementing and how it can be used to bridge geographical and cultural divides. Enter LovisaRead… Read more »


I think microblogging inside organizations can be a transformative, disruptive technology to enable faster, more succinct communications. Anyone using microblogging inside their firewall? How is it helping or hindering work, results, and decision making? Do you think microblogging is useful for collaboration, instant messaging, status sharing, and situational awareness? Do you know of any successRead… Read more »

Bureaucracy 2.0 – make sure your team is ready to stand and deliver

I have long subscribed to the belief that our initiatives in the online communication world will eventually change the way the government functions. From our internal capacity to support a robust online environment to providing public servants with the general understanding and toolkit of web tools that can make them more effective, more than anyRead… Read more »