
How engaged is your department online? And how does it affect your success?

Republished from eGov AU. Charlene Li, one of the writers of Groundswell and ex-Forrester analyst, has launched a new initiative which compares the financial success of organisations with their level of online engagement and allows organisations to compare how engaged they are online. Named Engagementdb, the site provides graphs and case studies on how variousRead… Read more »

Three Focal Points of Open Government

***See the original post at*** Last week I had the opportunity to attend the Open Government and Innovations Conference in Washington, DC. The two-day conference was a fantastic opportunity to hear some of the leaders in open government thinking, including: Aneesh Chopra, Federal CTO – “The Innovation Imperative“ Vivek Kundra, Federal CIO – “TownRead… Read more »

Social Media and the Changing Role of Government (from

I was interviewed by an interesting website called OurBlook this week. I’m sharing the text of the interview with GovLoopers as I’d welcome any feedback or comments on my perspective. I always find these questions on trends, etc. to be difficult and open to a lot of interpretation. Lately, I’ve been more concerned with tacticalRead… Read more »

Social Media Policy and Knowledge Management

(The following was originally posted as a response to a Discussion List topic on Social Media Policy in FS Communications, a GovLoop Group) I have been entertaining a thought that is pertinent to this direct topic, but also to the entire landscape of knowledge and information management. The key word in that phrasing is “management,”Read… Read more »

Gov 2.0 Expo Showcase Presentations

The presentations that will be featured at Gov 2.0 Expo Showcase have been selected and most have been posted to the Showcase site (we’re still wrapping up with speakers on a couple). The presentations are as follows: Government as a PROCESS * City of Santa Cruz Offers Blueprint for Solving CA Budget Crisis with SocialRead… Read more »

Looking for social media process tips…

Hi everyone, I’m familiar with the process that some agencies have in place to implement social media guidelines and begin using the various tools. In many cases, the guidelines and processes are developed and implemented by the Communication/Public Affairs office — is this pretty much standard practice across the government? If so, I’d be interestedRead… Read more »

UPDATE: OGI Conference “TweetBook” (First Ever!) Coming Together – Help?

Hi again, Folks! Several of us (me, Marie Crandell, Pam Broviak, Roberta Croll, Nichole Uiterwijk, Helen Ortel, etc.) have spent the last couple days working on what I believe will be the first-ever “TweetBook” (at least from a government conference!). Here’s how it looks at the moment (not too shabby, eh?!): OGITweetBook – OverallMock-Up.doc WhatRead… Read more »

UK’s Twitter Guide for Government

Originally published at the GenerationShift blog. Per this post from Neil Williams, head of corporate digital channels at the UK central government’s Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS), below is a “Template Twitter Strategy for Government Departments.” It’s a helpful document as it includes a very brief overview of Twitter, offers some objectives andRead… Read more »

How to be polite on Facebook – Reader’s Digest, August 2009 This is an invaluable resource for folks who are still resistant to the idea of joining the Social Networks. It is not imperative by any means that any individual create and monitor a Facebook account, but if you are interested, but not sure you can handle the overwhelming demands on your time and attention,Read… Read more »