
Please Respond to Survey on Social Media for Recruiting

The Partnership for Public Service and the Office of Personnel Management jointly sponsor the annual Effective Hiring Workshop series, which consists of 5 workshops a year on a variety of topics. We are planning one of these workshops (to be held in September 2009) to focus on federal agencies’ use of social media for recruiting.Read… Read more »

Gov 2.0 Practical Guide Principle #5 – Nurture Content Addiction #OGI

Here’s the next principle from the practical guide to gov 2.0 – Principle #5: Nurture Content Addiction Successful sites are those active enough to maintain the attention of even the busiest people. Novelty and change are one big reason for people to keep coming back. The ongoing success of FaceBook and Twitter illustrate how “contentRead… Read more »

Gov 2.0 Practical Guide Principle #3 – Appropriate Calls to Action #OGI

Here’s Principle #3 from my new practical guide to Gov 2.0 – Appropriate Calls to Action The unique value of government 2.0 is engaging the voice of community members, but in the beginning it can be difficult to get people talking within a community. There may be a lot of lurkers, but not a wholeRead… Read more »

What is the real Tory policy on social media + government IT?

Image by brothergrimm via Flickr The Tories (UK Conservative Party) are very reluctant to spell out much about the policies this far in advance of a likely general election. As a result they keep sending out mixed signals on what they will actually do if elected, which are usually not picked up in the press.Read… Read more »

Sweet GovTweets 07.19.2009

Hello! Good evening, Today’s tweets are very short. The weather here has been unseasonably cool (85) and we are just giddy. So, I am assuming, because I want to, that all of you are being blessed with the same wonderful weather! And I’m guessing everyone was outside playing today instead of posting. As I wentRead… Read more »

Sweet GovTweets 07.18.2009

Good Afternoon! Today we had a lot of cross-posting and RT’s, so once all the duplication was removed we have a very short Tweet summary. It’s a beautiful day. Use the extra time to get outside and enjoy it. And that’s the way it was, July 18, 2009, Caroline Twitter @WiiPigSooie Blog WiiPigSooie With greatestRead… Read more »

Squeezing blood out of closed source software customers

I just saw the new on Microsoft’s new “pricing plan” for its “free” online version of office. While working my way through grad school doing consulting for a medium sized business, I see once again the “incompatibility creep” being introduced in the new version of office. Since the company uses Open Office – I wonderRead… Read more »