
The Archiving Challenge

A few years ago it was made public that Karl Rove, President George W. Bush’s political adviser, and Vice-President Dick Cheney were using a political party’s email system for work related communication instead of their official government accounts. A political party is under no obligation by law to archive its emails for posterity. This broughtRead… Read more »

Sweet GovTweets 06302009

Well! I have missed you, and I hope you have missed me. I am just immersed in a project that is so personally satisfying that I can hardly tear myself away from it. It’s a Father’s Day present. My daddy is 80; a retired business executive, a politician, and always very involved politically. That generation?Read… Read more »

Build it or they will come

Republished from eGovAU. In 2007 a combined SMS and online electoral monitoring system went into action in Nigeria to report electoral fraud. Based on increasing mobile use (as fixed infrastructure is very limited in the country), mobile phones were able to provide voters with a voice when ballots were not conducted fairly. Similar systems areRead… Read more »

Greenies’ Guide to GovLoop Favorites

Like many people, I like to know what friends find interesting, especially when it leads new places. While Twitter and other sites are great for that, you can also browse the profiles of GovLoop friends to see what’s got their attention. Looking for posts with lots of comments (usually tagged “mostcomment”) is fine, but you’llRead… Read more »

Sweet Gov Conference Tweets – Participation Camp (#pcamp09) Part 2

Participation Camp Twitter Stream: June 27, 2009 (continued) 4:00 pm Silona: If you are transparent about your strategy you can build the right kind of community to police itself! #pcamp09 remind me of talks w @jwales 4:00 pm sdohrn: RT @counti8: I feel @markelliott’s pain re: talking about strategy before talking about the tech withRead… Read more »

Sweet Gov Conference Tweets – Participation Camp (#pcamp09) Part 1

Participation Camp was organized to provide the spark for an explosion of sharing, experimentation, and collaboration around this question: Democracy is a game in which we all make the rules. How do we make this serious game more inclusive, more fair, and more fun? Participation Camp Website Here’s the Twitter-related stats followed by the TwitterRead… Read more »

Customer Service – Communicating with Humans

Recently, I read Tracy Valentine’s blog lamenting the demise of great customer service. This prompted me to think about Web 2.0, and all the tools we have available to make customer service better while still giving it a “human touch.” Even when you may not actually be “speaking” to a human, you may still beRead… Read more »

Future Public Servants and their Blogs

This post originally appeared in my blog about Government 2.0 at the Kennedy School,We the Goverati Maps + blogs + the Citizen + the Kennedy School Student Government (KSSG) + the Government 2.0 club + Kennedy School students across the globe for summer internships = new mapping and communications initiative from the Kennedy School. VictoriaRead… Read more »

Sweet GovTweets 06.27.2009

Good morning! I am still a little behind, but I’m begging for your mercy …;) I have trouble deciding how to handle FollowFriday. I have been screening it out entirely due to space constraints, but we were missing some great contacts. So today, I am trying something new. I tried to leave the first mentionRead… Read more »

The agency considers Twitter

We’re exploring Twitter. KDOT has issued area-specific road/traffic/weather tweets for several months, thanks to the foresight of Tom Hein, our Wichita public affairs manager. Tom was hip to Twitter early on, way before me, and was issuing road update tweets even before K-TOC launched. Kim Qualls started doing the same thing for Kansas City andRead… Read more »