
Web 2.0 creating multiple personality disorder?!

Loved Adam Arthur’s post just now about tools to manage social profiles, he suggests apps like that have been very helpful and other new ones that I will have to try out. But this led me to a related question: How do you manage what “profile” to take on for any given tool /Read… Read more »

Sweet GovTweets 06.15.2009

Monday, Monday! Some very good conversations and resources today. Enjoy. Caroline @WiiPigSooie WiiPigSooie Blog david_tallan: @shaneschick I think Gov 2.0 will make boundaries of government more porous to broader civic ecosystem incl. citizens #gov20 25 minutes ago from UberTwitter • Reply • View Tweet adrielhampton: Check out GovLoop today for short @GovFresh interviews with #Gov20Read… Read more »

AG’s FSIS is “Tweeting”!

The US Governments USDA, Food Safety and Inspection Service (that’s group that recalls all of the spinach and peanut butter, well they started a twitter account and launched some “web 2.0” and RSS stuff … a great move not just to get the public informed, but to get us involved!


From Twitter “”twitpocalypse”” affects Mac, iPhone apps The surging popularity of the Twitter messaging service has broken at least one Twitter client application and affected another as a part of what is being called “the Twitpocalypse.” Each message on Twitter is assigned a unique identification number. On Friday evening, the number of tweets exceededRead… Read more »

Putting Thoughtful 2.0 in Gov 2.0

Twitter @kpkfusion As evidenced by the National Dialogue,, and the Open Dialogue, government is “ramping up” for a feverish pace of Gov 2.0 adoption. But as also evidenced by early experiences (and failures) with Gov 2.0, are we as government and as a country doing the right thing, making the best decisions –Read… Read more »

Sweet GovTweets 06.14.09

Hello! Today’s tweet summary is very light. The hot topic seemed to be Crisis Camp, and @dlblack did a great job updating us. My favorite post was by @JackHolt “If you (fed agency) aren’t managing your social media and identity, someone else will.” And, if your agency is not, shoot me a note if youRead… Read more »

Twitter: let the last doubter now shut up

Cartoon by Nikahang Kosar First they came for the newspapers, like they always do. Then they went after the opposition’s leaders, like they always do. Then they shut down the TV, like they always do. Then they cut the telephone lines including the mobile networks. Then they slowed down the internet and tried to blockRead… Read more »