
Google, your personal brand and social media

As the government community awakens to the value of social networking, they will reward, hire, promote people who can help them use social media to build relationships with clients, constituents, the public. Those who have used social media to develop their personal brand will become the all-stars. You are what you do. Karl Marx saysRead… Read more »

Today is Military Spouse Appreciation Day (May 8, 2009)

Wishing anyone and everyone in GovLoop who has a married family member in the military …. or who know of a military spouse in need of a hug or support, today is their day. Clearly, these families need our support every day but it’s nice there is one day of the year where they areRead… Read more »

Dabbling in written arts & technical wizardry – part 1 of 20 series

Dabbling in written arts & technical wizardry – part 1 of 20 series National Writing Examiner, Donna L. Quesinberry Defining yourself as a writer involves introspection and self-awareness. To develop positive characteristics, and deliver uniquely satisfying written products, whether a novelist, journalist, technician, poet, or business writer… is to be a dabbler of the writtenRead… Read more »

Web 2.0 tools in Mexico City’s influenza outbreak

Hello in the last week here in Mexico City, as many of you already know, there was an influenza outbreak, so in order to keep the people up to day with info, we developed the site This site was part of the communication strategy of the Mexico City’s Government for the outbreak. In orderRead… Read more »

How to save yourself a social media headache

As I spend my time teaching local classes and consulting on “Social Media/Social Networking” I give the same advice to people over and over: Don’t use the term Social Media or Social Networking or Web 2.0 when discussing or planning your strategy. These are industry buzzwords that mean different things to different people. They don’tRead… Read more »

Twitter? No, Yammer

Many of my colleagues at NIST have begun using a service called Yammer. It is similar to Twitter (microblogging) in that you follow and have followers, but does not limit users to 140 characters. Users can upload attachments to share, in addition to hyperlinks. More importantly, it is restricted by Domain. So, NIST has aRead… Read more »

Transparent Calendars

I’m reposting a piece I put up today in EPA’s blog, Greenversations. Feel free to leave comments here or on Greenversations; I’ll get ’em either way, but they’ll be more public over there. Here it is: A couple of weeks ago, EPA Administrator Jackson issued a memo calling for maximum transparency in everything we do.Read… Read more »