Struggling With Public Speaking? We’ve Got You Covered
Public speaking. Those two words can strike fear into the hearts of anyone nervous about taking the stage. Here are some tips to steady those nerves.
Public speaking. Those two words can strike fear into the hearts of anyone nervous about taking the stage. Here are some tips to steady those nerves.
How you can use social media to increase your brand at work.
While good things happen when employees feel appreciated, communicating appreciation to staff is not a miracle salve that cures all wounds. Sometimes well-meaning supervisors (and sometimes lazy managers who don’t want to do the hard work of dealing with problems) try to use appreciation as a “quick fix” for deeper issues that need to be… Read more »
Applications for GovLoop’s Featured Contributor program are now open! Find out what’s new with this awesome writing program and how you can apply.
Practical advice on how to gather enough information to get a basic understanding of an issue to form you own opinion.
After many years of being in the workforce, mostly in government service, the thing that means the most to me is simply being treated well.
Icebreakers are great ways to break up the monotony of meetings if executed the right way. Below are nine fun and easy icebreakers that will liven things up at your next meeting and foster team building amongst your colleagues.
When we make quick decisions in relative isolation, others are left in the dark trying to understand the rationale behind the decision. The result being delays in execution. That’s why becoming a Debate Maker is key to improved leadership.
It is important for your agency priorities to be in sync with the priorities of the people in your jurisdiction.
Cities and states have realized a need to fine-tune the ways they ensure everyday citizens could access data and make sense of it.