
Interview with GovLoop Founder Steve Ressler

Last week I was lucky enough to speak with Gov 2.0 superstar and GovLoop founder Steve Ressler about what’s happening with GovLoop, where the site is going and how sites like it are having a larger impact. You can read the whole two-part interview series in full on the Rock Creek blog, or check outRead… Read more »

Three Collaboration Tools Everyone Should Know

Facebook, Twitter, Wikipedia, Flickr, IM: do these sound like foreign words? In the face of new social media and collaboration, getting in touch over the Internet has never been more complicated. With so many of these whiz-bang technologies out there, it can be especially frustrating to figure out which ones are worth learning about andRead… Read more »

“Sweet GovTweets” – Fri 1 May, 2009 edition

Apologies for errors in advance. Here are a few tweets from the tweet stream (have not clicked on any of the links) @Nextgov RT White House launches official twitter feed: @whitehouse #gov20 #obama @levyj413 EPA has launched a new mapping app called My Environment. Check it out #gov20 @ariherzog: Snapshot in Twitter Time: HereRead… Read more »

Collaboration Squared (Collaborating about Collaborating)

Last month I setup a wiki, using Wetpaint, to introduce my students to Web 2.0 tools. In thinking of a name, I came up with Collaboration Squared as I was asking them to “collaborate about collaborating.” It seems to me we could use some of the same, unless it’s happening somewhere on GovLoop and I’veRead… Read more »

FCW’s – Twitter Takes Wing – good read –

Check out this Federal Computer Week article if you missed it! According to the article, some agencies other than NASA using Twitter include: NIH – health related dispatches US Geological Survey – earthquake & tsunmai warnings FDA – updates on food recalls You can find all of this and more on Steve Luncefords’s Twitter directoryRead… Read more »

The Official White House Twitter Has Been Launched!

The Whitehouse has official taken the plunge into microblogging and launched their official twitter account @whitehouse today. Another milestone in government 2.0 and social media has been reached. The Official White House Twitter URL: The account was set up and first tweet posted about 2 hours ago putting the time of official release atRead… Read more »

“Sweet GovTweets” – Thurs 30 April, 2009 edition

Apologies for errors in advance. Here are a few tweets from the tweet stream (have not clicked on any of the links) @WBEZWorldview Economics for the Soul: ethical values & public policymaking. #gov20 folks, take to heart pls @osrin: For those in the US don’t forget to add your 2 cents to thisRead… Read more »

Applying Health 2.0 Lessons to the Constituent/Representative Relationship

Provisions in the The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, the economic stimulus package signed by President Obama Feb. 17, include 19.2 billion dollars in incentive funds for physicians to abandon piecemeal paper-based health records for an electronic systems that will allow for greater efficiency and more indepth data collection for the diagnosis andRead… Read more »