
Project of Week – Open Forum Foundation

I met Wayne at Gov 2.0 Barcamp on one Sunday morning as a group of volunteers were planning the eventual conference. I was impressed with his ideas and thought processes and was wondering what he was up to. That day and at the actual Gov 2.0 Barcamp he told me about his group “Open ForumRead… Read more »

GovLoop Member of the Week – Lauren Modeen

This week I was able to pick the brain of IT Queen and super active GovLooper, Lauren Modeen! She took some time to chat and I ended up with one awesome interview! Thanks Lauren! Enjoy! 1. What do you do exactly at Computech? Aha – – what do I do exactly at Computech…a solid openingRead… Read more »

Yammering away at NIST

Have you tried Yammer in your agency? Yammer is like an inside-the-firewall version of Twitter, enabling you to create a members-only social network inside your agency – instantly and for free. It operates a lot like Twitter, but with some nice extras. You can create private groups, add RSS feeds and the update field isn’tRead… Read more »

Changing Washington: Obama’s First 100 Days

On his first day in office, President Obama began acting on his campaign promise to “change the way Washington does business.” His first directive to agencies articulated a set of principles of how he wants the government to do its business: more transparency in how government does it work, more citizen participation via the Internet,Read… Read more »

Sweet gov Tweets – Wed 22 April, 2009

Apologies for errors in advance: @gwynnek: IT & Web leaders push for rewrite of outdated paperwork reduction act rules. Online not = paper! #gov20 (tx @MWEditor) @cdorobek: Team Obama puts out the help wanted sign for transparency ideas #gov20 @govloop: New GovLoop Project of Week – Cumberland County and Web 2.0Read… Read more »

Highlights of the Federal Virtual Worlds Consortium Conference April 23-24

1. Most business happens outside of meetings. Virtual worlds increase serendipitous meetings that would not happen on video conference, webinars, teleconferences etc… 2. New Value Proposition Web 1.0 Access/find Web 2.0 share/participate/collaborate Web 3.0 co-create 3. Co-creation is the most experiential 4. Virtual Worlds provide a Cohesion of Presence (Herbeck) – this is why weRead… Read more »

The Hokie Guru, GovLoop’s Bureacurat on Sports, Entertainment, and Whatever Else is Important in the World – News and Notes

Hola, GovLoopers… it’s been a while since the Hokie Guru’s presence graced GovLoop.. and please don’t talk or write in the passive voice like that… only trained bloggers can do that!! 🙂 Hey, let’s step back… into 1989… Man, if you had long hair between 1989 and 1992, any major record label signed you toRead… Read more »