
“Sweet GovTweets” – Mon. 6 April, 2009 edition

Apologies for errors in advance: @joab_jackson: to officially launch in late May 2009: #GovLoop @jefferyrlsmith: #CivSource Morning News Update 4-6 #gov20 @jdp23: #votereport India: citizen-driven election monitoring for the 2009 Indian general elections … very cool! (via @nancyscola) #gov20 @nonprofit_tech: Super Excited and a Tad Scared. OpenCamp-Madison in 12Days: Sat, 18Read… Read more »

Cartesian Dualism and the Problem of Social Networks

I was reading this morning’s Washington Post about the difficulty Organizing for America, “the 13 million-strong grass-roots network built during (the Obama) presidential campaign” was having in having a legislative impact. It brought to mind the similar network of that didn’t come through for 2004 Democratic Presidential Primary contender Howard Dean and it also broughtRead… Read more »

First update from Councillors connected: the social media online conference (UK)

Welcome to the first update of Councillors connected: the social media online conference (You will first need to be logged into to view these links). We have a great line up of speakers this morning, but this conference is really all about you. Feel free to ask questions or start your own topics onRead… Read more »

“Sweet GovTweets” Sun 5th April 2009 edition

Apologies for errors in advance: @erikcecil: What features / functionalities would you want to see for true open source government? #opengov (make politicians really pay attention?) @erikcecil: Following ur gd exmple @AlexisNeely; launched bus. & giving bk via pple-empowering open gov project; launches 4-10. #agape #amgrat #opengov @wtneary: Any other Washington State electeds going toRead… Read more »

“Sweet GovTweets” – the Gov20Camp edition

Here is the start of a list of people’s summaries for the March Gov20camp. Please comment below so that they can be added to this list in addition to the coverage at Updated on April 4th, 2009. @cheeky_geeky: To catch up on the #Gov20Camp happenings, check out for starters! #gov20 @govloop: You HAVERead… Read more »

“Sweet GovTweets” -Thurs 2nd April, 2009 edition

Apologies for errors in advance: @planetrussell: discovering: Citizens Expect Government 2.0 by @signalmag #gov20 #opengov @sabrak: Meeting with @jbertrand to talk about a #gov20 unconference in the NW. Think we could get critical mass? Interested? @NoelDickover: Transforming 508 Compliance: Stop Enforcing, Start Innovating. #gov20 #accessibility @djharrity: ACT-IAC is now a tweetin’ … @ACTIACRead… Read more »

Gone #Camping: My 2.0 Experience of #gov20camp

The unfortunate budget realities in the State of California prevented me from traveling to Washington, D.C. last weekend to attend Government 2.0 Camp, but that didn’t stop me from participating! Thanks to live tweeting, I was able to follow the event from the very beginning to the very end (and then beyond, as presentations, videosRead… Read more »