
“Sweet GovTweets” – Wednesday 25th March, 2009 edition

Apologies for errors in advance: Social Media & Govt’s conference #ALI @johnstauffer: Great post from @kellyobrien about the vibe in room this versus last during the Social Media & Govt’s confr #ali @mbado: Use enterprise 2.0 to connect people, information and ideas– breaking down those “cylinders of excellence” #ali @kellyobrien: #ali BAH’s Christy Cunningham:Read… Read more »

One if by land and two if by tweet?

Imagine, if you will, our Department of Education proposing that Twitter be taught in elementary schools as part of a larger plan to make online communication and social media a permanent part of our educational system. Dare we add new courses in blogging, podcasting, and using social media sites to our traditional math, science, andRead… Read more »

How should we collaborate?

As the Social Media Subcouncil continues working to develop strategic social media recommendations and guidelines, questions regarding practical social collaborative models have emerged. After considering several options, the Social Media Subcouncil has arrived at four possible collaborative models we can use to deliver recommendations and guidelines to the Federal Web Managers Council: • Social MediaRead… Read more »

“Sweet GovTweets” – Tuesday 24th March 2009 edition

Apologies in advance for errors: @GetFISARight: net +55 votes for our #askpres question at … please vote for civil liberties! #bipart #gov20 @adrielhampton: This was absolutely the highlight of my day – visualizing #gov20: @ p2pt0: why talk about skittles when there are some great #askpres questions at #p2 #rebelleft #gov20 #topprogRead… Read more »

Social Media for Gov’t conference: vibe in the room last year vs. this year

Chatting with fellow ALI conference attendees Andy Krzmarzick, Ari Herzog, Maxine Teller and John Stauffer after today’s sessions, I made an observation about this same event one year ago vs. today, plus a hypothesis about why this difference might be. Observation: last year’s conference had an excited – almost giddy – optimistic energy about socialRead… Read more »