
A Week to Recognize All Government Workers

Familiar with it? You know, the time set aside each year to honor the men and women who serve the US as federal, state and local government employees. I’m talking about Public Service Recognition Week which is celebrated the first Monday through Sunday in May. If you’re not so familiar with it, Public Service RecognitionRead… Read more »

Social Media Book – Call for Chapters

(from the Knowledge Management Government group…) FYI: From: John Girard [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Sunday, March 22, 2009 6:47 PM To: [email protected] Subject: [kmgov] Social Media Book – Call for Chapters Dear Federal KM Working Group Colleagues, I would like to share with you some information about an exciting new project in the knowledge/social media domain. JoAnnRead… Read more »

Beware the Social Media Police

Note: This blog entry was also published on my Reach the Public Blog where there are other entries on government-to-citizen communication, social media, and Web 2.0. I was discussing online communication plans with one of our clients recently, and I heard something that surprised me. “We’d like to use more social media, but we don’tRead… Read more »

Accounts from ALI SoMe4Gov Conference: Agency Issues with Gov 2.0

During a social networking session between presentations at the ALI Social Media for Government Conference, participants were asked what issues they were having related to Web 2.0/social media. Here’s their list: 1. Convincing senior management (cited at least three times) 2. Finding resources (human and financial) 3. Overcoming fear 4. Achieving balance with digital andRead… Read more »

“Sweet GovTweets” Monday 23rd March 2009 edition

Apologies for errors in advance. @govloop: Read up on all GovLoop Members of the Week: #gov20 #govloop #opengov @adrielhampton: two progressive pols embracing the tech community – follow @sallylieber and @dbowen #govloop #gov20 #p2 @adrielhampton: “Crashing the Gate, from Inside” – #gov20 #govloop #CA10 #opengov #p2 @adrielhampton: “I’m Running for Congress …”… Read more »

Twitter Turns Thwee!

With the speed that technology swoops in, takes ground, and starts to proliferate, many often are very familiar with the in-s and out-s of the latest and greatest, tout the technology to no end, but for the life of them, have no idea where it came from. This is true for me. And since IRead… Read more »

Social Networking and Sales.

Personalize It To Sell! Social networking is taking off big time with sites like Facebook and Twitter in the top five social networking sites. These sites have created new opportunities to reach people online, even market them, if you know how to do it correctly. One thing that you can be sure of is thatRead… Read more »

Social Media for Gov’t conference: tweets from pre-conf. workshop

The ALI Social Media for Gov’t conference kicked off today with a couple of pre-conf. workshops. Thanks to Maxine Teller and Ken Fischer for a great morning! I’ll try to post the #ali tweetstream here over the next three days. Here’s what we tweeted this morning: #gov20 #ali @mixtmedia: conventional metrics don’t apply; start withRead… Read more »