
The State Perspective of the Social Media Subcouncil

As you may have read on the Social Media Subcouncil’s first blog post and from Jeffrey Levy’s latest post, the Social Media Subcouncil is up and running in public! As a member of the Subcouncil, I’m so excited to start getting some of our draft concepts out to the larger community of government communicators andRead… Read more »

L’indice de maturité des médias sociaux permettra d’évaluer les performances 2.0

[Here is an (imperfect) automatic translation French-to-English of this piece. It will give you a rough idea of what is being said.] John Cass Vous ne le savez peut-être pas, je suis toujours avec autant d’intérêt mon ami Jay Deragon (et son blogue A Relationship Economy). Ce matin, dans Twitter et Facebook, il pointait versRead… Read more »

Social Media Subcouncil, at your service

In December 2008, the members of the Federal Web Managers Council presented a white paper to the Obama transition team addressing perceived and real barriers as well as opportunities for government entities to engage in a social media environment. Recognizing the challenges many government agencies face in moving towards implementing a social media strategy, theRead… Read more »

New Worldwide Gov 2.0 Live Radio Show with BlogTalkRadio

from – In preparation for a new Government 2.0 podcast I’m planning with Steve Ressler, Steve Lunceford, the FutureGov team, Ari Herzog and Meghan Harvey, producer (live demo Monday at 8 p.m. PST – please tune/call in), I was able to grab some time with BlogTalkRadio’s Amy Domestico to get her thoughts on effectiveRead… Read more »

Se rendre là où personne n’est encore allé: pousser l’expérience gouv2.0 (dans le cadre de préparatifs pandémiques)

Ces derniers mois, les membres de la sphère du Flublogia ont consolidé leurs liens en expérimentant avec de nouveaux outils de réseautage social, tels que Facebook et Twitter. En se regroupant, ils ont formé une communauté. En échangeant des informations, discutant et partageant leurs expériences, ils se sont transformés en communauté de pratique flublogienne. WikipédiaRead… Read more »

Friday Follow?

It’s day 3 of my journey through twittersphere. This morning when I started reading my fresh Friday flow of tweets, I noticed a significant number that read- #fridayfollow… and then suggested a username with @username… Friday Follow? While I’ve learned the basic twitter commands, RT (retweet), DM (direct message), to shrink long, character wastingRead… Read more »

Peanut Butter Blogging and Open Source Adoption

My colleague Scott Johnson wrote a couple of interesting blog posts over on the Rock Creek blog this week. One focuses on the UK government’s announcement that they’re moving toward using open source software whenever possible; the other highlight’s HHS’s smooth use of social media during the sticky peanut butter recall (pun intended.) Both ofRead… Read more »

Tweet Type?

Last night at my company’s Leadership Development meeting we were discussing Patrick Lencioni’s book The Five Dysfunctions of a Team. Since it is quite true that you learn best by doing, our leader began a role-playing exercise by first splitting us up into different groups. Our goal was to act out common team scenarios…while theRead… Read more »

Why I Tweet

I find Twitter to be an incredibly useful tool for me in my job. I have conversations with people who don’t get it, and I find myself making the same claims over and over again. I had an email exchange on the subject today, and once again I wrote it all out, so I thoughtRead… Read more »

My Journey Through Twittersphere

The first time I ever heard of Twitter was about a year ago through a facebook newsfeed pulled from my friend Peter’s status that read: “I am twittering.” Twittering? Too much coffee? Work deadlines? Big date? I soon forgot about the slightly strange choice of word and went back to my facebook perusing. A fewRead… Read more »