
Finally on Twitter

I first heard about Twitter through a friend of my wife several months ago and thought it was stupid. I’m a technically savvy guy, but I just didn’t see the need to post my every move for all of my “followers” to see and I really don’t care to get an update each time oneRead… Read more »

Re-blog of Social Media Overview from my LinkedIn Group

I posted the following to LinkedIn and thought that this would be a good place to re-blog it….appreciate feedback. Social media consists of tools like FaceBook, , LinkedIn, Plaxo, and Twitter, to name a few. These and many other web-based tools are known as Web 2.0. Web 2.0 also includes Google and all itsRead… Read more »

Tech-enabled Community Building Best Practices

Of late, I’ve been having lots of chats with social media practitioners and would-be practitioners, as well as working with locals on activating our neighbors through “Citizen 2.0” trainings. I’ve also worked hard to connect with the Government 2.0 reform community through sites like LinkedIn, GovLoop and Twitter. These conversations have led to me aRead… Read more »

Social media marketing author, speaker, columnist Dave Evans coming to town Monday, March 9 @ Rockville, MD (6-8pm)

GovLoopers … please join us in giving this social media marketer from Texas a warm Washington DC welcome! You are invited to free social media marketing event @ Rockville, MD For those interested in social media marketing mindset, approaches, tips and strategies,’s ( own social media marketing columnist and author of Social Media Marketing:Read… Read more »

Congress Delivers Major Social Media Failure

It seemed like an event worth passing on. In fact, I’ve tried to pass on many of the government 2.0 conversations of late, but last week’s Congressional Tweeting during Obama’s speech last week was flat out disturbing. While Congressional tweeting from 50 elected officials highlighted how hot Twitter has become, it also demonstrated an irresponsibleRead… Read more »